Euros explode in violence as more than 100 terrifying Albanian thugs try to attack Italian fans ahead of match

Today, violence broke out for the first time during Euro 2024, when more than a hundred Albanian ultras tried to attack Italian fans.

The black-clad thugs went on the rampage in central Dortmund this afternoon, targeting a fast food restaurant and then clashing with riot police.

Baton-wielding officers quickly cornered the yobs and formed a cauldron to keep them from fighting their Italian rivals.

The fans – who had previously lit gray and red flares – were later searched for weapons.

The problem is the first to occur during the tournament, which only started last night.

Police surround the Albanian Ultras in central Dortmund before their match against Italy today

The fans - who had previously lit gray and red flares - were later searched for weapons

The fans – who had previously lit gray and red flares – were later searched for weapons

It comes amid increased security around England’s opening match against Serbia tomorrow, with fears 500 ultras are planning to ambush Three Lions supporters this weekend.

So far there have been no disturbances in Gelsenkirchen, Essen and Dusseldorf, where thousands of England fans continue to flock ahead of the exciting Group C match.

English fans have spent the last two days happily drinking and partying with local Germans and even a few Scots.

The black-clad thugs ran amok in central Dortmund this afternoon, targeting a fast-food restaurant and then clashing with riot police.

The black-clad thugs ran amok in central Dortmund this afternoon, targeting a fast-food restaurant and then clashing with riot police.

Police surround Albanian ultras after violence broke out for the first time today at Euro 2024 when more than 100 Albanians tried to attack Italian fans

Police surround Albanian ultras after violence broke out for the first time today at Euro 2024 when more than 100 Albanians tried to attack Italian fans

However, the atmosphere in Dortmund this afternoon – 20 miles from Gelsenkirchen, where England start their Euro 2024 campaign – was extremely tense.

Albania will play against neighboring country Italy tonight at 9 p.m. local time.

An eyewitness told MailOnline: ‘The violence came out of nowhere. The Albanian and Italian fans had been singing all day without any problems, but then it suddenly started.

‘The riot police intervened very quickly and quickly had the thugs held against the wall.

‘About a hundred of these hooligans are searched for knives and other weapons. The German police really mean it.’