Epstein victim accused New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, MIT scientist Marvin Minsky, Victoria Secret’s chief Les Wexner and Senator George Mitchell of sex trafficking her in latest bombshell document dump

Several high-profile politicians and businessmen were named by Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre in a recently released statement about Jeffrey Epstein released today.

The papers are the latest cache of files from Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous ‘list’.

They were made public this week and include allegations against prominent businessmen and individuals linked to the deceased pedophile.

The trove of documents points to former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, both Democrats who have previously been linked to Epstein.

MIT scientist Marvin Minsky and former Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner – who is also often cited in connection with Epstein – were also mentioned.

The documents relate to a 2015 lawsuit between Giuffre and infamous Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell.

Several high-profile politicians and businessmen were named by Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre in a recently revealed statement about Jeffrey Epstein

Giuffre claimed in 2016 that she was “sexually trafficked” to a group of “powerful businessmen” and to Mitchell, now 90, in New Mexico and New York.

She said she couldn’t remember how many times this had happened “as we go back a very long time ago,” but added that she was about 17 at the time.

Mitchell was a U.S. Senator from Maine and served as Senate Majority Leader from 1989 to 1995. He played a prominent role in foreign policy, having received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his assistance in negotiating the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland.

Mitchell later made headlines for his investigation into steroid use in Major League Baseball.

He denied the allegations when he was first linked to Epstein after his death by suicide in 2019.

“I have never met, spoken to or had any contact with Ms. Giuffre,” he said at the time.

“In my dealings with Mr. Epstein, I have never observed or suspected any inappropriate behavior with underage girls. I only learned of his actions when they were reported in the media in connection with his prosecution in Florida. We haven’t had any contact since.’

Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (pictured right) has been linked to Epstein. He has denied the allegations

The latest set of documents points to the late New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who died last September

In a statement to Fox News in 2019, Richardson denied the allegations, insisting they are “completely false.” Richardson died last September.

“Governor Richardson has not been contacted by any party regarding this lawsuit,” his spokesman said.

“To be clear, in Governor Richardson’s limited interactions with Mr. Epstein, he never saw him in the presence of young or underage girls.

“Governor Richardson has never been to Mr. Epstein’s residence in the Virgin Islands. Governor Richardson never met Ms. Giuffre.”

Minsky, who died in 2016, was a leading computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Giuffre also claimed to have had sex with Victoria’s Secret billionaire Les Wexner “multiple times” in New Mexico and New York.

Wexner was Epstein’s close friend and entrée into New York society, getting him business in the early 1990s and even giving him the keys to his Upper East Side mansion.

Minsky was a leading computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and died in 2016.

Jean-Luc Brunel, who has long been associated with Epstein and died in a French prison while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, is also accused in the documents of victimizing her.

The statements were made public this week and include allegations against prominent businessmen and individuals linked to the deceased pedophile.

In her 2016 statement, Giuffre – who went public with her claims against Prince Andrew in 2011 – said he was not the only royal to whom she was being ‘trafficked’.

Wexner was Epstein’s close friend and entrée into New York society, getting him into business in the early 1990s and even giving him the keys to his Upper East Side mansion.

Minsky, who died in 2016, was a leading computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

She says Epstein introduced her to another prince around the same year, 2001, but she did not know his name.

“There’s another person whose name I honestly don’t know… he spoke in a foreign language – he spoke a foreign language, he also spoke English.

“But I’m not so sure where he came from… I was introduced to him as a prince,” she said, adding that they had sex in a “cabana.”

Giuffre also claimed he trafficked sex to a “well-known prime minister” who was not named.

She also accused attorney Alan Dershowitz, whom she previously dropped a lawsuit against after publicly saying she “made a mistake in identifying Mr. Dershowitz.”

In his statement, Epstein continually pleaded the fifth, refusing to answer questions for fear of incriminating himself.

Virginia refused to name the men she claimed she was trafficked to, fearing for her safety.

She did say that she had been trafficked to another ‘foreign’ prince in the south of France alongside Prince Andrew.

Jean-Luc Brunel, who has long been associated with Epstein and died in a French prison while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, is also accused in the documents of victimizing her

Giuffre also claimed he trafficked sex to a “well-known prime minister” who was not named. Giuffre is pictured as a teenager with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell

Giuffre also described flying on Epstein’s plane with Alan Dershowitz and another girl.

She and the other young woman were asked to perform oral sex on the pair and then swap before being forced to have intercourse, she claimed.

In one bombshell claim, she says Epstein paid her $15,000 to have sex with Prince Andrew in 2001.

Prince Andrew has always denied the accusation that they had sex. Payment is a new detail.

Giuffre also alleged that Gwendolyn Beck participated in “orgies” with Epstein.

Beck previously claimed to have ‘flirted’ with Prince Andrew in Little St. James.

She also previously claimed in emails that her friend had slept with Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Richard Branson and that Epstein had videotaped the encounters.

All the men denied her claims, which she later retracted out of fear for her safety.

Epstein died in federal custody in 2019, which was ruled a suicide.

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