EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: What next for Prince Harry after the publication of Spare?

Eighteen months after the publication of Prince Harry’s Spare, there is still no trace of the paperback version.

Publishers are usually quick to bring such a book to market, especially if they can promote it as containing “sensational” new material.

But it seems that Harry has no new excitement to offer. His family has kept him at arm’s length, knowing that anything they say could be recorded and used as evidence against them.

The only exclusive stories Harry could tell were about his view of the coronation from Aunt Anne’s plumed hat and how he quickly stopped at Buck House to use the toilet on the way to Heathrow.

Too much information, Harry?

Although Meghan didn’t send her father-in-law Lucozade and grapes when he was diagnosed with cancer, she did quietly wish the king well.

Will she congratulate her father Thomas on his birthday when he turns 80 tomorrow?

Eighteen months after the publication of Spare, there is still no sign of a paperback version

It seems that Harry has no new excitement to offer. His family has kept him at arm’s length, knowing that anything they say could be recorded and used as evidence against them.

Summer sadness for MPs

New House of Commons Leader Lucy Powell has extended the Commons sitting by 12 days to give the impression the government means business.

Unfortunately, Labour has only angered the ladies and porters of the parliamentary dinner who were told the summer recess would start this week but have now been ordered to work until 30 July.

Some have had to cancel their booked holidays. ‘Luckless Lucy’ is suddenly the least popular person among Westminster employees.

The new leader of the House of Commons, Lucy Powell, has extended the Commons term by 12 days to give the impression that the government means business

Linford’s other reason for fame

After Linford Christie won gold in the 100 metres at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​he was plagued by the burden of his masculinity, which he referred to as ‘Linford’s Lunchbox’.

“The day after I won the Olympics, they were talking about how big my dick was,” he says in an upcoming BBC documentary.

‘I found it derogatory and racist. That story made women think it was okay to grab my dick.’

He admits it still rankles, adding: ‘The lunchbox thing haunted me for years. I had to carry a heavy burden, which was that I was more famous for my genitals than my athletic achievements.’

What’s in a name: After winning gold in the 100 meters at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Linford Christie was plagued by the burden of his masculinity, which he called “Linford’s Lunchbox.”

Lisa should stay away from labels

Commentator Andrew Neil, who complained on radio about the “toxicity” in politics after the Trump assassination attempt, asks: “Is that the same with Foreign Secretary David Lammy calling Trump pro-Ku Klux Klan and pro-Nazi a few years ago?”

It’s time for Jill to be honest

Jonathan Aitken urges Joe Biden’s wife Jill to follow the advice of his own late wife Elizabeth when dealing with her elderly former husbands.

“Elizabeth was brave when she gave what she called ‘candid notes’ to her husbands, Rex Harrison and Richard Harris, when she saw them perform,” he says.

‘They were not always happy when they received criticism in her notes for forgetting their lines.

“I hope Jill Biden would now imitate Elizabeth’s candor.”

Jonathan Aitken urges Joe Biden’s wife Jill to follow his own late wife Elizabeth’s advice when dealing with her previous elderly husbands – by being honest

Prince Harry Buckingham Palace

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