EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles might resort to a medicinal whisky as he awaits the first segment of the BBC’s Jimmy Savile biopic

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles could resort to medicinal whiskey as he waits for the first part of BBC biopic Jimmy Savile

King Charles could resort to a medicinal Laphroaig as he awaits the first part of BBC Jimmy Savile biopic The Reckoning on Monday.

The BBC has said Savile used his connections to the royal family and other institutions to cover up his crimes.

Charles unknowingly used Savile as an advisor in dealing with the media and as a marriage counselor when his relationship with Diana broke down.

He also innocently used him as a guide for ‘ordinary’ people, even accompanying Savile in collecting his old age pension.

My mole whispers that the king’s appearances are minimal with a brief scene next to Diana at the opening of a hospital.

But HM certainly regrets sending Savile Cuban cigars and gold cufflinks to celebrate his 80th birthday with the note: ‘Nobody will ever know what you did for this country, Jimmy. This is a way to say thank you for that.’

King Charles could resort to a medicinal Laphroaig as he awaits the first part of BBC Jimmy Savile biopic The Reckoning on Monday, writes Ephraim Hardcastle

The BBC has said Jimmy Savile (pictured) used his connections to the royal family and other institutions to cover up his crimes

Pre-Meghan Prince Harry chatted with Neve Campbell, star of the comedy horror franchise Scream. “We danced and had a very surreal conversation in which he told me that he had a poster on the wall as a child,” Neve confides.

‘I thought, “What? At Buckingham Palace?” Harry was apparently stupid. Maybe Neve had a billboard for your other opus Wild Things, known for its lesbian romp.

Want to post previous episodes of Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould’s Fake or Fortune? on BBC iPlayer to promote the new series, Beeb experts removed artistic howler monkeys in which the presenters authenticated a Monet, which was later confirmed as a fake.

Also left out is a canvas of Winston Churchill that is described as fake in the show, but is deemed real five years later. And AWOL on the iPlayer is Fiona, pictured, and Phil’s celebration of a dawb painted ‘mainly by Lucian Freud’, even though the artist denied having painted it. Isn’t the artistic life great!

Previous episodes of Fiona Bruce (pictured) and Philip Mould’s Fake or Fortune? on BBC iPlayer to promote the new series, Beeb experts removed artistic howler monkeys in which the presenters authenticated a Monet, which was later confirmed as fake

Has Rishi’s demolition of Manchester’s HS2 leg sparked a domestic row between West Midlands mayor Andy Street and his ‘life partner’ Sir Michael Fabricant? While Street calls Sunak’s decision an ‘incredible political blunder’, Lichfield MP Fabricant backs the Prime Minister ‘cutting his losses’.

Bizarrely coiffed Michael clarifies: ‘I don’t agree with Andy Street on HS2 but I respect his integrity.’ To quote another well-known Midlander, “the course of true love never ran smoothly.”

American comedian Jackie Mason appeared on Have I Got News for You and appeared to mistake team captain Ian Hislop for a tea boy. “I was walking around the studio with a cup of tea in my hand, and he came up and took it,” Hislop recalls. ‘He thought I was a runner. And when we showed up on set, he looked at me and said, ‘Why are you here?’ I think Mason had a giraffe.

Receipt! Sir Trevor McDonald is back behind a news desk at ITV, 15 years after retiring from News at Ten. But Trev, 84, doesn’t read the news. He promotes McVitie’s cookies. What now Trev? Garry Baldi does it again!

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