Entrepreneur Georgie Stevenson claims she simply ‘manifested’ two ‘7-8 figure businesses’ into existence

Entrepreneur Georgie Stevenson claims she simply ‘manifested’ two seven-to-eight-figure companies

Entrepreneur Georgie Stevenson has claimed that she “manifested” her success and wealth.

Manifesting is the belief that simply thinking ambitious thoughts can make them a reality.

And on Tuesday, 28-year-old Stevenson shared an Instagram post describing how she simply built her two “7-8 figure businesses.”

Accompanying a video of her relaxing naked in a luxurious outdoor spa overlooking a tree-lined view of rolling hills, she wrote an incredibly long caption.

“Five years ago I was working in a corporate job, making my way through life and feeling like I was pushing a rock up a hill to achieve what I defined as ‘success,'” she began, before detailing how she discovered “manifesting.” ‘

Above a video of her relaxing naked in a luxurious outdoor spa overlooking a tree-lined vista of rolling hills, entrepreneur Georgie Stevenson (pictured) wrote an incredibly long caption about the power of “manifesting”

The entrepreneur claims she “understood how to work with the laws of the universe” and that this helped her run two successful businesses that allowed her to take her entire family on vacation abroad.

“I am so proud of this evolution,” she concludes her caption.

Meanwhile, Georgie expanded on her video’s message with a very long caption discussing the themes of manifestation.

This caption ended with a call to action for a new masterclass she is facilitating called “Manifesting with Momentum.”

The entrepreneur claimed that she “understood how to work with the laws of the universe” and that this helped her run two successful businesses that allowed her to take her entire family on holiday abroad.

“There are VERY limited seats left, if you feel the pull, listen up,” she wrote at the end of her post.

Many fans of the motivational coach were supportive in the comments, but others had their doubts.

“But what if manifesting doesn’t work? If I went all out and pulled myself out and prepared for weeks/months? What should I do afterwards?’ wrote one commenter.

Meanwhile, Georgie expanded on her video’s message with a very long caption discussing the themes of manifestation. This caption ended with a call to action for a new masterclass she is facilitating called “Manifesting with Momentum”

“Currently trying to put in the work to get where I want to be and learning to surrender to where I am now is so hard,” wrote another.

The motivation coach spoke to the Daily Mail earlier this year about her special approach.

‘Meet yourself where you are: The famous philosopher Carl Jung has a quote that has stayed with me: ‘You can’t change anything until we accept it; condemnation does not liberate; it suppresses’. For me, this was a huge moment where I realized that in order to progress and evolve, I first have to accept myself now,” she said.

She uses podcasting and social media to educate her audience of over 695,000 followers and has also collaborated with brands to get her message across.

The motivation coach spoke to the Daily Mail earlier this year about her special approach. ‘Meet yourself where you are: The famous philosopher Carl Jung has a quote that has stayed with me: ‘You can’t change anything until we accept it; condemnation does not liberate; it suppresses’. For me, this was a huge moment where I realized that in order to progress and evolve, I first have to accept myself now,” she said.

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