Emmerdale’s Leyla Harding is kidnapped by drug dealer Callum in horrific scene

Leyla Harding from Emmerdale has been kidnapped by her former drug dealer.

Soap viewers previously expressed their fears when Callum threatened her after he was arrested for dealing drugs at a nightclub.

And in Tuesday’s episode, Leyla was attacked by her nemesis after devising a revenge plan for him. stabbing of his son Jacob Gallagher.

Leyla had texted Callum to meet up, but things went awry after she handed him the money he’d been demanding.

They forced her into the trunk of their car in a horrific scene and was seen kicking and screaming as he drove off into an empty field.

Horrible: Emmerdale’s Leyla Harding has been kidnapped by her ex-drug dealer

‘I liked you a lot better when you were crazy,’ Callum said as he yelled, ‘No!’ while being pushed in the trunk.

Leyla recently found herself in trouble when she and her friend Suzy Merton filmed Callum selling drugs at a nightclub, leading to his arrest.

Her drug addiction tore her family apart after Callum stabbed her son Jacob, and fueled by anger, Leyla told the dealer that she was the one who called the police.

However, after the video proved insufficient to charge Callum with any crime, he entered her home and violently threatened her and Suzy.

Viewers expressed their fears for Leyla when she ran afoul of Callum, with the drug dealer telling her that they “take their gloves off” before threatening her son Jacob.

And things will get even worse for Leyla, as a spoiler next week revealed that her life will be on the line as Callum will kidnap her.

On Twitter after Thursday’s tense twist, one viewer wrote: ‘Leyla Leyla Leyla…it’s not going to end well.’

Another commented: ‘Leyla, I think you know you will feel the repercussions of informing Callum next week. Tonight explained next week’s action.

Shocking: In Tuesday's episode, Leyla was attacked by her nemesis after coming up with a revenge plan for the stabbing of her son Jacob Gallagher.

Shocking: In Tuesday’s episode, Leyla was attacked by her nemesis after coming up with a revenge plan for the stabbing of her son Jacob Gallagher.

Oh no!  Leyla had texted Callum to meet up, but things got complicated after she handed over the money he had been demanding.

Oh no! Leyla had texted Callum to meet up, but things got complicated after she handed over the money he had been demanding.

Uh-oh!  They forced her into the trunk of her car in a horrific scene and she was seen kicking and screaming as he drove into an empty field.

Uh-oh! They forced her into the trunk of her car in a horrific scene and she was seen kicking and screaming as he drove into an empty field.

A third wrote: ‘Leyla is in big trouble right now…’, while a fourth added: ‘Leyla and Suzy are taken hostage.’

The drama began on Thursday’s episode when Leyla (Roxy Shahidi) agreed to go clubbing for a fun night out with her friend Suzy (Martelle Edinborough).

Commenting on her drug addiction, Suzy said, “You don’t need to put yourself in situations where you can trigger yourself.”

But Leyla insisted: “I’ll tell you what, we got ready, we hit the streets of Leeds, we smashed that dance floor and I’ll tell you if it’s too much and I’ll call a taxi.”

Suzy said nicely, ‘If you’re not drinking, I’m not drinking.’

While later touching up her makeup in the club bathroom, Leyla was forced to resist temptation when a group of girls started using drugs.

She quickly ran out of the bathroom as the group started talking about where to find the drug dealer, with Suzy asking if she was okay.

To which she replied: “I just saw some girls in the bathroom doing coke, apparently the dealer is here.” Temptation came and I walked away, and now I want to dance.

Shock!  Viewers of the soap opera previously expressed their fears for her when Callum threatened her after he was arrested for dealing drugs at a nightclub.

Shock! Viewers of the soap opera previously expressed their fears for her when Callum threatened her after he was arrested for dealing drugs at a nightclub.

1678830419 323 Emmerdales Leyla Harding is kidnapped by drug dealer Callum in

Danger: In tense scenes, Callum violently threatened Leyla and Suzy after he was arrested for selling drugs at a nightclub.

Leyla then saw the drug dealer the girls had been talking about and saw that it was none other than Callum (Tom Ashley), who stabbed her son Jacob (Joe-Warren Plant).

She said, ‘Oh God, it’s Callum.’

To which Suzy replied, ‘Could it be more obvious?’

Leyla was enraged that he was a ‘lowlife’ who ‘nearly killed’ her son, and Suzy urged her to forget about him and enjoy her night.

But Leyla said, ‘I wish I could, I can’t believe I’m still on the streets. She has gotten away with absolutely everything.

Suzy replied: ‘If anyone deserves it, it’s Callum. We have to be smart with this.

Hearing her friend’s words, Leyla decided to film Callum while he was in the middle of a drug deal.

Smiling, he said, “This time I have proof, the police will love to see this.”

Plot: Leyla found herself in trouble when she and her friend Suzy Merton filmed Callum selling drugs at a nightclub, leading to his arrest.

Plot: Leyla found herself in trouble when she and her friend Suzy Merton filmed Callum selling drugs at a nightclub, leading to his arrest.

Bragging: Leyla's drug addiction tore her family apart after Callum stabbed her son Jacob, and fueled by anger, Leyla told the dealer she was the one who called the police.

Bragging: Leyla’s drug addiction tore her family apart after Callum stabbed her son Jacob, and fueled by anger, Leyla told the dealer she was the one who called the police.

Callum was later seen being dragged out of the club in handcuffs by the police, despite his objections that they had “the wrong person”.

Fueled by her anger and unable to keep quiet, Leyla pounced on Callum, throwing in his face that she was the one who reported him to the police.

She raged: ‘I’m the one who told them who you were. The images of you trafficking help, one less bastard on the streets. I hope they throw away the key, Callum!

After returning home, Leyla seemed in a good mood as she talked to Suzy about her accomplishment in getting Callum arrested, despite her friend’s concerns.

Leyla said: ‘Tonight was a revelation, who needs drugs and alcohol when you have revenge. Temptation presented itself and I did not bite.

But a concerned Suzy replied, “I don’t know why you said anything to Callum though.”

To which Leyla said, ‘It makes my blood boil, I couldn’t help it.’

“I think we should have kept a low profile,” Suzy insisted. ‘What if the video isn’t the hit we think it is?’

Threatened: And things will get even worse for Leyla, as spoilers next week reveal that Callum will kidnap her

Threatened: And things will get even worse for Leyla, as spoilers next week reveal that Callum will kidnap her

Concern: David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Pollard (Chris Chittell) are terrified when Leyla reveals that she has put Jacob in grave danger with Callum, after he threatened the teenager.

Concern: David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Pollard (Chris Chittell) are terrified when Leyla reveals that she has put Jacob in grave danger with Callum, after he threatened the teenager.

But Leyla reassured her and said: ‘It’s going to fall for years, okay, this is a good thing!’

However, Suzy’s fears were quickly proven correct as there was an angry knock on the door late at night.

As Suzy opened the door, Callum grabbed her and made his way into the house, with the two friends alarmed by his actions.

Leyla asked him: ‘What are you doing here?’

To which an angry Callum replied, “I thought I’d pay my favorite client a visit.”

Leyla then asked him how he wasn’t in prison, to which Callum informed her that the video was low quality so it didn’t prove it was him and that he didn’t have any other drugs because he had “sold himself”. .

He was furious: You brought this on yourself, playing with me.

But Leyla replied: ‘You tried to kill my son!’

Drama!  Meanwhile, Suzy comes up with a plan to defeat Callum by smearing her associates in crime like weed, but before long, Callum attacks her with a brick.

Drama! Meanwhile, Suzy comes up with a plan to defeat Callum by smearing her associates in crime like weed, but before long, Callum attacks her with a brick.

Dangerous turn!  Playing on danger, Leyla meets Callum, but things escalate and Leyla ends up being kidnapped by him.

Dangerous turn! Playing on danger, Leyla meets Callum, but things escalate and Leyla ends up being kidnapped by him.

Oh darling!  She is soon bound and gagged as a menacing Callum looms.  Will Leyla be able to escape the clutches of her enemy?

Oh darling! She is soon bound and gagged as a menacing Callum looms. Will Leyla be able to escape the clutches of her enemy?

Callum replied: ‘Your son was the idiot with the knife, he was just defending me! I don’t like having to hurt people.

Suzy then tried to reason with him, assuring him that they would leave him alone from now on, but Callum said that it was “too late”.

He raged: ‘It’s a little late for that, you crossed a line tonight and I need to teach you a lesson. If I were you, I’d watch your back, I’d keep an eye on that son of yours, it would be a shame if he got hurt again.

“Don’t you dare,” Leyla replied, terrified.

But Callum said cryptically, “After tonight, I’m taking my gloves off,” before walking out of the house.

Emmerdale airs Monday to Friday at 7:30pm on ITV.