EMILY PRESCOTT: Wildlife park heir Damian Aspinal joins celebrity dating app Raya

EMILY PRESCOTT: Will the zoo still love me tomorrow… Wildlife heir Damian Aspinal joins celebrity dating app Raya to find his new caretaker

He quietly divorced his glamorous second wife Victoria Fisher last year, and now conservationist Damian Aspinall seems keen to fill the hole in his heart.

I can reveal that Damian, 62, whose father John founded the Crown London Aspinalls gambling club and the private zoo Howletts in Kent, has joined Raya – the swanky dating app used by celebrities such as model Cara Delevingne and pop superstar Harry Styles.

Victoria is 26 years his junior and it seems Damian is still eager to find someone who makes him feel young as his search preferences show that he is open to dating women half his age.

On his dating profile, which features photos of him alongside tigers and lions, Damian references his remarkable achievement in restoring more than 600 animals to the wild.

To make sure any prospective girlfriend fits his lavish lifestyle, Damian has listed the posh London hangouts of Scott’s and private club 5 Hertford Street as some of his favourites. Still, he makes it clear that personality is paramount, as he says, “Love funny and interesting people and especially positive people.”

I can reveal that Damian, 62, whose father John founded the Crown London Aspinalls gambling club and the private zoo Howletts in Kent, has joined Raya – the swanky dating app used by celebrities such as model Cara Delevingne and pop superstar Harry Styles. Damian is pictured here in 2003 wearing Donna Air

Damian split up with his wife Victoria after six years, pictured here with Saba the Cheetah

Damian split up with his wife Victoria after six years, pictured here with Saba the Cheetah

It seems that he is not worried about finding a match, as he has linked the song I Ain’t Worried by American pop band OneRepublic to his profile.

Damian has previously been in a relationship with songwriter Kirsty Bertarelli and shares a daughter with actress and presenter Donna Air. His first marriage to Louise Sebag-Montefiore lasted 15 years and the couple had two children.

Damian and Victoria split late last year after six years, and Damian cemented the split with the modern sign of the end: unfollowing her on Instagram.