EMILY PRESCOTT: Sherwood star David Morrissey, 59, follows Rufus Sewell by dating a woman half his age

Just as Rufus Sewell revealed he's engaged to an actress thirty years his junior, here comes another British actor holding hands with a girlfriend young enough to be his daughter.

Sherwood star David Morrissey, 59, stepped out in London last week with theater agent Larah Simpson, 31, who is just four years older than his eldest son Albie.

The age gap is similar to that between twice-married The Diplomat star Sewell, 56, and New Yorker Vivian Benitez, 27.

Sherwood star David Morrissey, 59, stepped out in London last week with theater agent Larah Simpson, 31, who is just four years older than his eldest son Albie

This comes as Rufus Sewell announced he was engaged to Vivian Benitez, who is 30 years his junior

Father-of-three Morrissey split from novelist Esther Freud – daughter of artist Lucian Freud – after 26 years in 2020.

Last year, The Mail on Sunday revealed that Esther had found love with Gerry Simpson, a professor at the London School of Economics. Despite sharing his name, Larah is not believed to be related.

Larah Simpson, 31, pictured, is four years older than Morrisey's eldest son Albie

Temperley is sold out

Although her dresses can cost as much as £6,000, designer Alice Temperley and her company have been struggling financially for years.

Now she has sought outside help and her brand, Temperley London, has sold a majority stake to Dubai-based investment firm Times Square Group. Alice, 48, who has an MBE for services to the fashion industry and once said she wanted her brand to be a more eccentric and British version of Ralph Lauren, says: 'We've been through some really tough times. I am incredibly excited about this new journey with Times Square Group and look forward to spending even more time in the UAE.”

Although her dresses can cost as much as £6,000, designer Alice Temperley and her company have been struggling financially for years

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