EMC Healthcare rolling out Celo’s messaging platform

Indonesian healthcare provider EMC Healthcare has announced that it will implement Celo Health’s messaging platform into its network.

The HIPAA compliant mobile messaging app allows healthcare teams to securely exchange critical patient information and medical updates in real time.


EMC Healthcare, which is managed by PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan, manages eight public hospitals. According to the group’s IT director, Wildan Djohany, the group was “very concerned about the confidentiality of patient data.”

“For this reason, the use of text messaging applications that meet medical communications security standards is a must,” he said.

Celo meets the criteria of EMC Healthcare in the field of information security and functionality. The solution also ensures rapid implementation, eliminating the need for additional staff training. “With its ease of use, Celo can be quickly deployed and used by our physicians and medical staff,” Djohany said in a press statement.


The Auckland-based healthcare messaging solutions provider also recently enabled secure clinical communications New Zealand air ambulance.

Celo’s implementation in Third Age Health, which started in early 2022 amid a surge of COVID-19 infections, recently expanded to physicians and healthcare provider partners


Dr. Agus Heryantov, Head of Quality Risk Management at EMC Healthcare, said they prefer Celo’s security “because you have to go through a verification phase to access the app, which is not found in similar public applications, and the people in it have been verified and clearly identified.”

“In terms of usage, it is very similar to other applications, so it is quite familiar and easy to use and it is not difficult to get started,” he added.

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