Embarrassed Armie Hammer breaks his silence to say he was sexually assaulted by a pastor as a child


Disgraced actor Armie Hammer said in his first interview in years that he was molested by a pastor when he was 13, but insisted that while he was an ‘asshole,’ he’s not a criminal in his first interview since becoming a outcast after a series. of revelations about his sex life.

Hammer, 36, has been unheard and rarely seen since a woman named Effie, 26, who has not given her name for fear of retaliation and harassment, accused Hammer in 2021 of “violently raping” her.

This led to a series of accusations by the women related to their interest in perverted sex and even cannibalism.

Hammer has denied the allegations through his lawyer and said that all of their sexual encounters have been “completely consensual, discussed and agreed upon in advance and mutually participatory.”

In his first interview since the scandal with Graydon Carter’s Air mailHammer continued to deny the allegations, though he admitted to being emotionally abusive “one hundred percent,” not a criminal, and instead a victim of cancel culture.

Disgraced actor Armie Hammer said in his first interview in years that he was molested by a pastor when he was 13, but insisted that while he was an ‘asshole,’ he’s not a criminal in his first interview since becoming a outcast after a series. of revelations about his sex life

“Now I am a healthier, happier and more balanced person,” she told Air Mail. ‘I can be there for my children in a way that I never was. I can be there for my dad while he is dying in a way that he never could have been. I’m truly grateful for my life and my recovery and everything. I would not go back and undo everything that happened to me.’

Hammer, who first caught the attention of viewers on The Social Network before being nominated for a Golden Globe in Call Me By Your Name, gave the interview because he wants to “own my mistakes” but also says he doesn’t know regret. have been publicly shamed.

“I’m here to own up to my mistakes, take responsibility for the fact that I was an idiot, that I was selfish, that I used people to make myself feel better, and when I was done, I moved on…I’m a healthier person now, happier and more balanced. I get to be there for my kids in a way I never was… I’m truly grateful for my life and my recovery and everything. I wouldn’t go back and undo everything that happened to me,” she said.

Despite that, Hammer still feels he’s a victim of cancel culture and wants to see more opportunities for public rehabilitation, like the ones his mentor Robert Downey Jr. received while dealing with drug and alcohol abuse.

“There are examples everywhere, of people who went through those things and found redemption through a new path,” he said. “And that, I think, is what is missing from this business of cancel culture and mafia awakening. The moment someone does something bad, they are thrown away. There is no possibility of rehabilitation.

Hammer admitted to going through hell during the scandal, at one point attempting suicide in the Cayman Islands.

“I just went out into the ocean and swam as far as I could and expected to drown, or get hit by a boat, or get eaten by a shark,” Hammer said. “Then I realized my children were still on land and I couldn’t do that to my children.”

Hammer defends his sexual interests by saying that he has had an interest in BDSM since he was 13 years old, when he was sexually abused by a youth pastor.

“What that did for me was it brought sexuality into my life in a way that was completely out of my control,” Hammer said. ‘I was powerless in the situation. I had no agency in the situation. Sexuality was presented to me in a terrifying way where I had no control. So my interests were: I want to be in control of the situation, sexually.’

Hammer’s godmother, Candace Garvey, one of only two people she told when it happened, corroborated her story to Air Mail.

Hammer’s wife, Elizabeth Chambers, filed for divorce in July 2020, and six months later, he was in the eye of a frenzied storm, with accusations of affairs, cannibalism, sexual coercion and brutality.

The couple share two children: seven-year-old daughter Harper and five-year-old son Ford.

Hammer, 36, has not been heard from and rarely seen since a woman named Effie, 26, who has not given her name for fear of retaliation and harassment, accused Hammer in 2021 of having her

Hammer, 36, has been unheard and rarely seen since a woman named Effie, 26, who has not given her name for fear of retaliation and harassment, accused Hammer in 2021 of “violently raping” her.

Armie Hammer, 35, and his ex-wife Elizabeth Chambers, 39, are seen in March 2018 at the Oscars.

Armie Hammer, 35, and his ex-wife Elizabeth Chambers, 39, are seen in March 2018 at the Oscars.

Hammer and Chambers with their children Harper and Ford in December 2019

Hammer and Chambers with their children Harper and Ford in December 2019

A series of text messages Hammer sent to one of his accusers.  It was shared anonymously in 2021 when he was first accused.  It is not clear who he sent it to.

A series of text messages Hammer sent to one of his accusers. It was shared anonymously in 2021 when he was first accused. It is not clear who he sent it to.

Messages: A couple of text messages Armie Hammer allegedly sent to Courtney Vucekovich that disturbed the ex-girlfriend were revealed in the documentary

A pair of text messages that Armie Hammer allegedly sent to Courtney Vucekovich were revealed in the documentary that disturbed the ex-girlfriend

The messages he sent to women included talk of extreme sexual ties and disturbing cannibalistic urges.

“I want to eat you…I’m 100% cannibalistic,” one message read, while others included troubling admissions of wanting to eat a woman’s ribs and cut off her toes.

A woman accused him of rape.

The Los Angeles Police Department has investigated and Hammer has never been charged, but the allegations turned out to be catastrophic for Hammer’s career and he was subsequently dropped by the talent agency WME, as well as his personal publicist.

He was replaced in Jennifer Lopez’s new romantic comedy Shotgun Wedding by Josh Duhamel, and Miles Teller took over his role in the television series The Offer, which dramatizes the making of Francis Ford Coppola’s classic The Godfather.

Although cut from those productions, Hammer had already finished filming the Kenneth Branagh-directed mystery Death On The Nile, which features a cast that includes Branagh, Gal Gadot, Annette Benning, Russell Brand and Rose Leslie, among others.

A trailer for the film was mocked by viewers after he seemed to do his best to minimize the actor’s involvement, though his brief appearances proved too much for many viewers.

Hammer was also sued by American Express over a $67,000 unpaid credit card bill, but the case was dismissed this week.

He reportedly lives in the Cayman Islands and sells timeshare.

In September, Discovery+ launched a three-part documentary series, House of Hammer, detailing the Hammer family’s relationships and dynasty.

The series interviewed two of Hammer’s ex-girlfriends, Courtney Vucekovich and Julia Morrison, and members of the Hammer family.

The dark history of the Hammer family is detailed in a recent Discovery+ docuseries titled 'House of Hammer'.  The documentary claims the disgraced actor was obsessed with BDSM, forced a male attendee to lap dance and drove drunk at 140 mph through a residential area.

The dark history of the Hammer family is detailed in a recent Discovery+ docuseries titled ‘House of Hammer’. The documentary claims the disgraced actor was obsessed with BDSM, forced a male attendee to lap dance and drove drunk at 140 mph through a residential area.