Elon Musk’s Grok chatbot is going open source, but perhaps not for the right reasons

In his attempt to one of the best AI tools Currently, Elon Musk plans to release the source code of X Corp’s Grok AI chatbot to the public this week.

The decision, like TechCrunch reports, is included Musk has filed a lawsuit in early March 2024 against ChatGPT developer OpenAI, claiming that it has strayed from its original goal of developing artificial intelligence technology “for the benefit of humanity” and is now pursuing profit.

OpenAI, a company Musk co-founded until February 2018, now has that publicly refuted the lawsuit by presenting emails spanning more than a decade that purport to show Musk’s support for the company’s drive to make profits, and even a merger with Tesla.

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Musk reportedly invested $44 million in the company before leaving in February 2018 to do so much good for the planet. committing a civil offense of defamation as an exercise in public relations and spreading disinformation about Covid-19 to the point where he caught it.

So the best metaphor that comes to Musk’s mind is that of a stopped clock. It’s hard not to argue that free and open source software is good and worth fighting for, especially when the alternative is funded by Microsoft.

At the same time, he has been warning about AI’s threats to privacy for years, but he can still misinterpret the facts even when his broader point is spot on.

As a parting thought in the town square of ideas, consider that XAI’s Grok is currently in early access, locked behind an X Premium subscription.

Given that Musk owns X, and that Grok will likely still be hosted on it as an humanity’, and whether Musk’s plan to open Grok The Source is just, at best, a PR stunt designed to get ahead of those emails, and at the very least a play put on by a hypocrite.

Grok may be on the verge of going open source, but I fear this move is part of a ‘gotcha’ moment for Musk, rather than him actually believing that the public domain is where it belongs, because it’s difficult is to be believed. that Musk has always been about doing good for humanity.

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