Elon Musk was told to go to REHAB by concerned friends amid fears his drug use was spiraling after Tesla boss snorted Ketamine and drank ‘molly water’

Elon Musk was told to go to rehab by concerned friends because they feared his drug use was spiraling after he was seen drinking ‘molly water’ at parties in Hollywood, a new report suggests.

The Tesla mogul, 52, was asked to go to billionaire Larry Ellison’s Hawaiian island to “dry” from drugs around winter 2022, when other friends also raised concerns.

According to the Wall Street Journalsome friends asked Musk to go to rehab in the months after his $44 billion Twitter takeover in October 2022.

There were growing concerns that the billionaire’s extracurricular activities could negatively impact the six companies he oversees, as well as the $800 billion in assets held by investors.

The Tesla mogul, 52, was asked to go to Larry Ellison’s Hawaiian island around winter 2022 to “dry out” from drugs after other friends raised concerns.

The help from Ellison – the fourth richest man in the world and owner of the island of Lana’i – and his offer came around the same time Musk reportedly attended a party in the Hollywood Hills where he consumed a liquid form of ecstasy from a water bottle.

His security cleared the room before Musk took the drug, the WSJ reports.

Not only were his colleagues and friends concerned about his drug use, but they also felt that they expected to use illegal substances as well “because they think failure to do so could upset the billionaire.”

This follows a report from the WSJ last month that Musk was allegedly using illegal drugs, including ecstasy and cocaine, a lifestyle choice that concerned his executives and board members at these companies.

In recent years, some executives and board members at his companies and others close to the billionaire have grown increasingly concerned that his drug use is fueling his erratic behavior.

Their concerns about the tech mogul’s health extend to the potential impact on his six companies, including Tesla and SpaceX, sources told the Journal.

Not only were his colleagues and friends concerned about his drug use, but they also felt that they expected to use illegal substances as well “because they think failure to do so might upset the billionaire.”

Musk smokes marijuana on the Joe Rogan podcast

Musk is connected to and essential to the value of his companies, potentially putting about $1 trillion in investor assets, tens of thousands of jobs and large parts of the U.S. space program at risk.

Alex Spiro, a lawyer for Musk, said the CEO told Musk magazine that “drug testing is conducted regularly and randomly at SpaceX and he has never failed a test.”

Musk smoked marijuana on the Joe Rogan show and has publicly discussed his prescription for the psychedelic-like ketamine.

However, witnesses told the Journal that the

In 2018, for example, he took several acid tablets at a party he hosted in Los Angeles, the Journal reported.

The following year, he allegedly consumed magic mushrooms at an event in Mexico and in 2021, he and his brother took ketamine recreationally at a house party in Miami.

According to the Journal, the billionaire even used drugs with current SpaceX and former Tesla board member Steve Jurvetson.

The help from Ellison – the fourth richest man in the world and owner of the island of Lana’i – and his offer to Musk came around the same time he reportedly attended a party in the Hollywood Hills where he drank a liquid form of ecstasy from a water bottle consumed.

Those close to the 52-year-old are now reportedly concerned that the extent of his drug use could lead to a health crisis or a crisis for his businesses.

SpaceX is the only American company now cleared to transport NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

However, illegal drug use would likely be a violation of federal policy, which could jeopardize SpaceX’s billions of dollars in government contracts.

Musk’s drug use and the erratic behavior it can exacerbate have already led to resignations at the top of Musk’s companies, the Journal reports.

Former Tesla CEO Linda Johnson Rice reportedly became increasingly concerned about Musk’s drug use and was so frustrated with his behavior that she did not seek re-election to the company’s board of directors in 2019, people familiar with the matter said with the case to publication.

Serious concerns about Musk’s drug use arose in 2017 when, during a SpaceX meeting about the Big Falcon Rocket prototype, Musk slurred his words and rambled somewhat incomprehensibly for 15 minutes, according to the Journal’s sources.

SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell reportedly intervened and took over the meeting.

After the meeting, SpaceX executives reportedly spoke privately about their concerns that Musk was using drugs.

One of the people described told the Journal that the event was “nonsensical,” “unhinged” and “cringe-inducing.”

In 2018, Musk was in trouble with NASA after publicly smoking marijuana with Joe Rogan.

This raised concerns among executives and board members because it showed the potential business impact Musk’s behavior could have.

Board members raised renewed concerns that Musk may have been under the influence of drugs when he tweeted his intention to take Tesla private in 2018.

The tweet sparked an SEC investigation and resulted in Musk agreeing to step down as Tesla chairman for a time.

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