Elon Musk unleashes in fiery Joe Rogan podcast: Tesla owner slams George Soros for ‘eroding the fabric of civilization’, says he bought Twitter because it was being ‘controlled by the far-left’ and warns of the woke ‘mind virus’

Elon Musk declared on Tuesday that George Soros “hates humanity” because he supports policies that are “eroding the fabric of civilization.”

Musk, 52, appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, with the pair smoking what appeared to be whiskey and cigars as they rambled through a wide range of issues for two hours.

The CEO of people wearing ventilators were killed. by the fans, not by the virus.

The pair: Rogan in a blonde wig and Puerto Rico shirt for Halloween; Musk with a silk scarf around his neck – even went to the parking lot to fire arrows at Musk’s Tesla Cybertruck.

Musk bet Rogan $1 that the arrows wouldn’t pierce the sides of the truck. Musk won.

Musk reiterated his long-running criticism of 93-year-old billionaire financier George Soros, who has supported progressive causes for decades and angered Musk in May by dumping his Tesla shares.

Elon Musk appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast Tuesday, smoking a cigar and drinking what appeared to be whiskey

Born in Budapest, Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and moved first to Britain and then to the United States, where he began his hugely influential philanthropy.

“He is, in my opinion, the biggest contributor to the Democratic party,” Musk told Rogan. ‘The second was Sam Bankman-Fried.

‘And Soros, he had a very difficult upbringing.

“In my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity. That’s my opinion.’

Musk said he was deeply opposed to Soros’ work in support of progressive prosecutors, who pursued policies he saw as soft on crime.

“He is doing things that are eroding the fabric of civilization – by electing prosecutors who refuse to prosecute crime,” Musk said.

“That’s part of the problem in San Francisco, LA and some other cities.

“Then why would you do that?”

Rogan asked, “Is it humanity, or just the United States?”

Musk said it was global.

“He’s also pushing things in other countries,” Musk said.

George Soros, 92, has angered Elon Musk with his progressive policies

Musk told Rogan that he thought Soros was “actually a bit senile at this point” — in June, Soros handed control of the Open Society Foundations and the rest of his $25 billion empire to his 37-year-old son, Alex.

The foundation transfers approximately $1.5 billion annually to groups that, among other things, support human rights around the world and help build democracies. Alex Soros said he plans to expand the foundation’s priorities to include voting rights, abortion rights and gender equality.

Musk said the elder Soros had been “very smart” in using his money to achieve his goals.

“He’s very good at arbitrage – he’s known to have shorted the British pound,” Musk explains. ‘I think that’s how he made his first money.

Arbitrage is discovering value for money that other people don’t see.

‘And one of the things he noticed is that the price-quality ratio for local flights is much higher than for national flights.

‘The lowest value for money is a presidential race. The next lowest value for money is a Senate race and then Congress.

“And when you get to city and state attorneys, the value for money is extremely good.”

Musk said Soros discovered he could help advance the policies he approved through local officials.

“Soros realized that you don’t actually have to change the laws,” Musk said.

“You just have to change the way they are enforced.

“If no one chooses to enforce the laws, or if the laws are enforced in different ways, then it’s the same as changing the laws.”

Musk has previously compared Soros to X-Men supervillain Magneto – a character who manipulates the world and believes mutants should be in charge, instead of humans.

He made the comments on Twitter in May, after announcing that Soros’ investment fund had dumped all his Tesla shares.

Elon Musk was interviewed on CNBC and asked about his comments about George Soros, giving a bizarre, incoherent answer

George Soros, a Hungarian-born billionaire, runs the Open Society Foundation and is a Holocaust survivor. His foundation supports progressive politicians

Musk responded to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, saying the South African-born billionaire was not anti-Semitic but that his comments were dangerous.

“He is perhaps the most influential person in the world controlling what is essentially our public square. When he repeats conspiracy theories, it fuels the extremists,” Greenblatt said.

Musk responded, “Honestly, I have to admit that Joel has a good point and I’ll try to be more thoughtful in the future.”

He later corrected his tweet with “Jonathan.”

Musk continued, “The comic book analogies are clearly imperfect, to say the least.

‘Just because George Soros can bend metal with his mind doesn’t mean he’s Magneto!!

“Anyway, my real concern with Soros is that he has funded so many politicians and prosecutors who are even soft on violent crime, which in my opinion has caused great damage to many cities.

“While I strongly support expanding legal immigration, we must also control who comes in so we don’t allow dangerous criminals to attack innocent Americans.”

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said Musk’s tweet had resulted in a flood of conspiracy theories and that the hashtag “The Jews” was trending on the platform.

Musk then discussed purchasing Twitter, now renamed X, on Tuesday.

Musk spoke with Rogan for two hours before his show

In the year since acquiring the company for $44 billion, Musk has seen its value drop to $19 billion.

He fired more than 6,000 people — about 80 percent of the workforce — and took action that angered many users.

He has abolished content moderation, reinstated accounts of previously banned extremists, and allowed users to purchase account verification, allowing them to benefit from viral, but often inaccurate, posts.

Musk has instead promoted Community Notes, in which X users monitor the platform, as a tool to combat misinformation.

Musk said he bought the platform because he wanted to save “civilization.”

“This is going to sound melodramatic, but I was afraid it would have a corrosive effect on civilization,” he told Rogan.

“It just has a bad impact.”

He said part of the problem was that the company was based in hyper-liberal San Francisco, and the city’s flawed policies “contaminated” the workforce.

“I think part of it has to do with where it’s located: downtown San Francisco,” he said.

‘While I think that San Francisco is a beautiful city and that we have to fight very hard to right the ship of San Francisco.

“But if you walk through downtown San Francisco, right by X headquarters, it’s the zombie apocalypse. It’s really tough.’

He asked Rogan if he had been recently: Rogan said no.

“It’s crazy,” Musk continued. “You can’t believe it until you go there.

‘And you have to say: what philosophy led to that outcome.

“And that philosophy is one that was sent to Earth.

‘So a philosophy that would normally be quite niche, and quite subdued so that its consequences were limited, was effectively given as an information weapon.

“Information technology weapon to spread what is essentially a mind virus to Earth.

“And the mind virus is very evident when you walk the streets of downtown San Francisco.

“It’s the end of civilization.”

Musk has been outspoken in his condemnation of progressive politicians in San Francisco, calling for the jailing of the most liberal, Dean Preston.

Preston, a member of the Democratic Socialists, has since closed his X account.

Musk is expected to attend a global summit on artificial intelligence in Britain this week, according to a government official.

Britain is bringing together representatives from AI companies, political leaders and experts on November 1 and 2 to discuss what some see as the risks of AI, with the aim of building an international consensus on its safe development.

About 100 participants will discuss topics such as the unpredictable progress of AI and the potential for humans to lose control of it, according to the agenda.

Although several world leaders, including US Vice President Kamala Harris and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, will attend the summit, the full guest list has not been made public.

“In conversation with @elonmusk after the AI ​​Safety Summit Thursday evening on @X,” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tweeted.

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