Elon Musk teases the release of bombshell ‘Twitter Files’ focusing on Dr. Fauci this week


Elon Musk has mocked the posting of explosive Twitter files related to the now former director of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci, this week, as part of what he calls the “Fauci Files.” .

On Sunday, the CEO of Twitter tweeted to his followers: ‘Hope you’re having a great day 1 2023! One thing is for sure, it won’t be boring.

Then Juanita Broaddrick, an 80-year-old former nursing home administrator who once alleged she was raped by former US President Bill Clinton in 1978, responded to Musk’s tweet, saying she’s waiting… # FauciFiles.

“Later this week,” Musk responded, making it clear it was only a matter of time until his dispute with America’s top infectious disease expert resurfaced.

Elon Musk has hinted at dropping the ‘Fauci Files’ bombshell in the latest ‘Twitter Files’ leak this week amid his ongoing dispute with America’s top infectious disease expert.

“One thing’s for sure, it won’t be boring,” Musk tweeted shortly after the New Year, hinting that his followers might be interested in any classified information he has on Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Juanita Broaddrick, an 80-year-old former nursing home administrator who once alleged she was raped by former US President Bill Clinton in 1978, responded to Musk’s tweet by saying she is waiting… for #FauciFiles before they he will reveal the timing of its release on Sunday

Dr. Anthony Fauci resigned as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical adviser to President Biden in December.

The ‘Twitter Files’ are a series of revelations made by journalists tapped by Musk that uncover recent controversies, including Twitter’s decision to ban former President Donald Trump from tweeting after the invasion of the capital in January last year.

Twitter also recently leaked internal discussions among employees about its own censorship of stories related to Hunter Biden’s personal laptop during the 2022 presidential election.

The most recent revelations made by the social media giant include how the Trump and Biden administrations relied on Twitter to mitigate content during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sunday was not the first time Musk appeared to attack the 82-year-old Fauci online. A growing number of tweets related to the former chief medical adviser to the president (from 2021 to 2022) and shared by the Tesla founder seem to be growing in volume as time goes on.

On December 29, Musk claimed that several Twitter employees had an internal ‘Fauci Fan Club’ Slack channel. He then tweeted that Twitter must change policy and “follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science.”

The comments came in response to Fauci’s scorn for the Tesla kingpin’s barbs in a recent interview after he demanded that the doctor be prosecuted for allegedly starting the pandemic through the use of illicit government-sanctioned experiments.

Last week, Musk claimed that several former Twitter employees were part of a Slack channel titled ‘Fauci Fan Club’, in tribute to the now-retired US infectious disease expert.

Known as “gain-of-function” research, the controversial experiments involve manipulating viruses to make them more severe or transmissible in the hope of preempting future mutations and outbreaks.

“Despite these glaring problems, Twitter had an internal Slack channel ironically called ‘Fauci Fan Club,'” Musk wrote, referring to the doctor’s claims that Musk’s theories should be dismissed as “misinformation.”

Musk, who two weeks ago tweeted “My pronouns are Process/Fauci,” went on to link to a Newsweek article headlined “Fauci ‘lied’ to Congress on Wuhan lab investigation, new documents appear to show.”

However, the story linked to a September 2021 report from The Intercept, which found that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), at the time headed by Fauci, allocated money from government grants to “profit gain” research. function’.

Musk then included a May 2021 National Review article pointing to the fact that Fauci, in 2012, previously argued that the benefits of “gain of function” outweighed the risks brought on by a global pandemic.

Musk claimed in an accompanying caption that Fauci and his team may have accidentally manufactured the virus, writing: “‘Gain of function’ in this context is just another way of saying ‘bioweapon’.”

‘Some good nuggets in [the National Review] article,” Musk added cheekily.

Last week, Musk also claimed that Dr. Fauci had lied about the White House sanctioning gain-of-function research, sharing a 2012 article that reported on the argument that gain-of-function benefits outweighed the risks. brought by a pandemic

Musk also mocked the left’s acceptance of gender identity to his 12.1 million Twitter followers, linking it to his dispute with Dr. Fauci. “My pronouns are Prosecution/Fauci,” the Tesla CEO tweeted on Dec. 12.

On Friday, in a separate matter, Musk mocked Fauci as “creepy” after the New York Times revealed that the doctor, scientist and immunologist has his home office bedecked with portraits of himself.

Meanwhile, Fauci, who after 54 years at the helm of the NIH said he would step down at the end of the year, has faced widespread criticism for his handling of the pandemic, led by Musk.

Initially a revered figure during his early lockdowns and mandatory mask measures, Fauci has come under particular scrutiny for previously supporting controversial research, while denying that his team secretly funded them during the pandemic.

Fauci, who was not a name known to most Americans until 2020, when he became the face of the county’s response to Covid-19, has also vehemently denied claims that Covid-19 leaked into a laboratory, a theory that experts have so far been unable to rule out.

Dr. Anthony Fauci resigned as NIAID director before the new year after 54 years of service.

SSince taking over Twitter in October, Musk has been extremely outspoken about his belief that Fauci lied to Congress and secretly funded ‘gain-of-function’ research, potentially killing ‘millions of people’.

In an interview with the scientific journal Nature, Fauci said that comments like Musk’s “stir up a lot of hate in people” and were the reason he “has armed federal agents with me all along.”

Questions remain about the origins of Covid. Reporters who asked questions about the issue at Fauci’s valedictory speech in November were shut down by White House staff.

Fauci made his final official boardroom appearance last month, following a mega-term of 54 years at the NIH.

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