Elon Musk cuts Twitter parental leave from 20 weeks to just two

Father of 10 Elon Musk Faces Criticism After Internal Documents Show He Cut Twitter Parental Leave to Just TWO WEEKS

  • Internal documents reviewed by NYT journalist Kate Conger revealed that Elon Musk, 51, has cut parental leave from 20 to two weeks
  • If states do not require paid time off, the maximum amount offered is two
  • California – where Twitter is based – offers up to eight weeks of paid time off

Chief Twit Elon Musk has reduced parental leave from 20 weeks to two, internal documents show.

Musk, 51, has made many controversial decisions since taking office as CEO of Twitter, and his latest decision has implications for new parents.

According to the New York Times Tech Reporter, Kate Kongerreviewing internal documents, Tesla’s CEO nearly abolished parental leave, giving only a minimum of two weeks of paid leave.

“That will be changed to what is required by law in the region where the employees work, along with a two-week “supplement” of furlough,” Conger wrote.

Most states don’t have paid leave, meaning new moms and dads get up to two weeks.

California – where the company is based – offers up to eight weeks of leave.

Chief Twit Elon Musk has reduced parental leave from 20 weeks to two, internal documents show.

According to the New York Times Tech Reporter, Kate Conger, who reviewed internal documents, Tesla’s CEO nearly abolished parental leave, giving only a minimum of two weeks of paid leave.

Other states – such as New York and New Jersey – offer up to 12 weeks, with the most generous state of Rhode Island offering 30 weeks.

Immediately after Conger revealed Musk’s internal moves, the billionaire faced extreme criticism from a nonprofit organization, former employees, and Twitter users alike.

Dawn Huckelbridge, the founder of Paid Leave for All, told DailyMail.com in a statement, “Paid leave is a proven business and profit driver, and a lifeline for working families. But this decision further proves that we cannot rely on the private sector to ever solve this problem – we need a federal program to guarantee paid time off for all working people.

“And ask someone who’s given birth what their health and life is like two weeks later, or what their baby needs, and you’ll realize this is a slap in the face.”

“That will be changed to what is required by law in the region where the employees work, along with a two-week “supplement” of furlough,” Conger wrote. California – where the company is based – offers up to eight weeks of leave

Former employee Tina Forrest wrote on Twitter, “As a former Twitter employee who oversaw the US LOA and rolled out the 20 week policy in 2016, this is DEPRESSIVE. I am so sorry to hear about the great policies/programs being dismantled.”

Another former employee, Megan Anderson, wrote, “So let me get this straight…as an ex-Tweep living in MO – a state that doesn’t require employers to release – I would only get 2 weeks under.” this new policy?

“Also, how does this not violate the acquisition agreement to protect benefits for 1 year after closing?”

Immediately after Conger revealed Musk’s internal moves, the billionaire faced extreme criticism from a nonprofit organization, former employees, and Twitter users alike.

A Twitter user called Musk a ‘misogynist and’ [a] anti-worker’, but also ‘anti-society’ and ‘inhuman’.

One Twitter user called out Musk for his ever-growing family, writing, “He is obsessed with increasing the birth rate. He’s less concerned about what happens once they’re born.”

Similar companies, such as Google, offer fathers up to 16 weeks of leave, while mothers get up to 24 weeks of leave.

Brooklyn-based retailer Etsy allows their employees to work up to 24 weeks.

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