Elliot Page marvels at the first copy of his memoir Pageboy in unboxing video

Six days after proudly posting a shirtless photo revealing his surgery scars, transgender pioneer Elliot Page shared a video of him excitedly unwrapping the first copies of his autobiography Pageboy: A Memoir.

“I have the first box of Pageboy, from the physical book. Here we go! How!’ the Canadian 36-year-old – who has 13.2 million social media followers – laughed on Tuesday.

‘Wow. Wow, it’s real [laughs]. I can’t wait for you to read it.’

Elliot got paid ‘north of $3 million’ to write his 288-page tell-all, which Flatiron Books will publish on June 6.

Page’s video received supportive comments from US Secretary of Transportation husband Pete Buttigieg, Chasten, Poker Face star Natasha Lyonne, RuPaul’s Drag Race #9 alums Peppermint and Sasha Velour, 13 Reasons Why alum Tommy Dorfman and Grey’s Anatomy- star Kate Walsh.

Congratulations! On Tuesday, transgender pioneer Elliot Page shared a video of him excitedly unwrapping the first copies of his autobiography Pageboy: A Memoir

“Trans people are increasingly subject to attacks, from physical violence to healthcare bans, and our humanity is regularly ‘discussed’ in the media,” says the Oscar-nominated actor. wrote on 5 Dec.

“Writing, reading and sharing the multitude of our experiences is an important step in standing up to those who want to silence us and harm us.

“Books have helped me, even saved me, so I hope this can help someone feel less alone, feel seen, no matter who they are or what path they’re on.”

In it, Elliot writes how he was “forced to play the role of the shiny young starlet” following the success of starring in Jason Reitman’s 2007 film Juno, which left his “skin itchy, on and off set.”

Page – who included the audiobook on April 3 – made his gender confirmation in 2020 despite already “feeling like a boy” at the age of nine.

The two-time Emmy-nominated producer previously came out as a lesbian in 2014 during a speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s “Time to Thrive” conference in Las Vegas.

Elliot kicks off his nine-day international book tour on June 6 at The Town Hall in Midtown Manhattan, with future dates (particularly in his native Canada) to be announced shortly.

Page concludes his role as sound superhero/violinist Viktor Hargreeves, aka The White Violin, in the six-episode fourth (and final) season of Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy, which began production on February 6.

He has 13.2 million followers on social media

The 36-year-old Canadian marveled: 'I have the first box of Pageboy, from the physical book.  Here we go!  Wow!  Wow.  Wow, it's real [laughs]'

The 36-year-old Canadian – who has 13.2 million social media followers – was amazed: ‘I have the first box of Pageboy, of the physical book. Here we go! Wow! Wow. Wow, it’s real [laughs]’

'Can't wait for you to read it': Elliot was paid 'north of $3 million' to write his 288-page tell-all, which Flatiron Books will publish June 6

‘Can’t wait for you to read it’: Elliot was paid ‘north of $3 million’ to write his 288-page tell-all, which Flatiron Books will publish June 6

1684281796 764 Elliot Page marvels at the first copy of his memoir

“Need a copy!” Page’s video received supportive comments from Chasten Buttigieg, Natasha Lyonne, Peppermint, Sasha Velour, Tommy Dorfman and Kate Walsh

The Oscar-nominated actor (pictured last Wednesday) wrote on Dec. 5: “Trans people are facing increasing attacks, from physical violence to healthcare bans, and our humanity is regularly "debated" in the media'

The Oscar-nominated actor (pictured last Wednesday) wrote on Dec. 5: “Trans people are facing increasing attacks, from physical violence to health care bans, and our humanity is regularly ‘discussed’ in the media.”

Elliot (pictured April 29) added: “Writing, reading and sharing the multitude of our experiences is an important step in standing up to those who want to silence us and harm us.  Books have helped me, even saved me, so I hope this can help someone feel less alone, feel seen, no matter who they are or what path they're on'

Elliot (pictured April 29) added: “Writing, reading and sharing the multitude of our experiences is an important step in standing up to those who want to silence us and harm us. Books have helped me, even saved me, so I hope this can help someone feel less alone, feel seen, no matter who they are or what path they’re on’

In the Closet: In it, Page (pictured in 2008) writes how he was

In the Closet: In it, Page (pictured in 2008) writes how he was “forced to play the part of the glossy young starlet” following the success of starring in Jason Reitman’s 2007 film Juno that made his “skin crawl, on and next to the set’

True self: The two-time Emmy-nominated producer - who recorded the audiobook on April 3 - made his gender affirmation in 2020 despite already

True self: The two-time Emmy-nominated producer – who recorded the audiobook on April 3 – made his gender affirmation in 2020 despite already “feeling like a boy” at age nine

Canadian dates to be announced soon!  Elliot kicks off his nine-day international book tour on June 6 at The Town Hall in Midtown Manhattan

Canadian dates to be announced soon! Elliot kicks off his nine-day international book tour on June 6 at The Town Hall in Midtown Manhattan

1684281851 722 Elliot Page marvels at the first copy of his memoir

“The Last Season!” Page ends his role as sound superhero/violinist Viktor Hargreeves, aka The White Violin, in the 6-episode fourth (and final) season of Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy, which began production on February 6

Page Boy Productions, the ambassador for the Gucci Beauty brand, oversaw DW Waterson’s feature debut Backspot, which wrapped up principal production in March with three-time Emmy nominee Evan Rachel Wood starring as a cheerleading coach.

On a personal level, it’s unclear if Elliot is still dating non-binary comedian Mae Martin after the pair got matching tattoos and dressed up for the 11th annual LACMA Art + Film Gala on Nov. 5.

Page’s divorce from Canadian dancer Emma Portner was finalized in 2021 after two years of marriage.