Elephant goes bananas! Woman gets smashed by giant animal after teasing it with fruit

Elephant goes bananas! Woman gets crushed by giant animal after teasing it with fruit

  • She teased him by holding the fruit to his mouth before backing off
  • The tusk was apparently angry that the woman was playing games with him

A woman in India has been attacked by an elephant after teasing it with a banana.

She daringly held a banana toward the creature’s mouth before retreating just as he opened his mouth to chew.

The young woman was seen smiling at the pachyderm as she dangled the fruit in front of her, but he clearly saw through the ruse, swung his trunk and tusks and sent her whizzing backwards through the air.

Tusk was seemingly angry that the woman was playing games with him, attacking her and causing the person filming the video to back away in panic and drop the camera.

Just before the attack, you heard the woman say, “How cool is he?”

A video has surfaced online showing a woman in an unknown Indian forest teasing an elephant with a banana through some plants before the elephant attacks her

The young woman smiles dreamily at the pachyderm as she dangles the fruit in front of her, but he clearly sees through the ruse, swinging his trunk and tusks in a gruesome act of aggression and hurtling her backwards through the air

Footage of the incident was shared on social media by Susanta Nanda, an Indian forest ranger who often shares intriguing wildlife content online.

He captioned the post, “You can’t fool an elephant, even if it’s tamed. They are one of the most intelligent animals in captivity.’

The video provoked mixed reactions from users, with many concerned about the woman’s health.

One user commented, “I hope she survived the attack.” Another user wrote, “She must have suffered several fractures.” A third user wrote, “People should understand that wildlife is a magnificent and majestic spirit and we should respect their being..not be arrogant with them and bring our human behavior into their aura @susantananda3.”

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