Electric traffic sign in Boston reads ‘KKK meeting today’ sparking police probe – a day after Patriot Front signs were put up in ritzy Martha’s Vineyard

An electric road sign on a busy Boston street carried a message reading “KKK Meeting Today,” during Labor Day Weekend—just one day after signs were posted in Martha’s Vineyard advertising a white supremacist group.

The Boston Police Department’s Civil Rights Unit has opened an investigation after an officer came across the forged electrical construction sign on Cypher Street in Southie on Monday.

The signs belong to a private construction company that was listed as a victim of the incident in the police report, according to the Boston Herald.

It is not yet clear whether the signs have been hacked or whether an employee wrote the message.

DailyMail.com has contacted the Boston Police Department for more information.

The Boston Police Department’s Civil Rights Unit has opened an investigation after an officer came across the counterfeit electrical construction sign on Southie on Monday

On Sunday, signs advertising the neo-fascist group Patriot Front appeared at two black businesses in Oak Bluffs, in Martha's Vineyard.

On Sunday, signs promoting the neo-fascist group Patriot Front appeared outside two black businesses in Oak Bluffs, in Martha’s Vineyard.

The incident came just days after signs of a white supremacist group surfaced elsewhere in Massachusetts.

On Sunday, signs advertising the neo-fascist group Patriot Front appeared at two black businesses in Oak Bluffs, in Martha’s Vineyard, Oak Bluffs police said.

Cape and Islands District Attorney Robert Galibois said he is working with Massachusetts State Police detectives to find those behind the signs.

“If you see any of these signs on public or private property without the owner’s permission, please contact local law enforcement,” he said.

The Patriot Front emerged in the wake of the 2017 white-nationalist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, when it broke away from another extremist organization, Vanguard America, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

About 200 members marched in Washington DC in May, drumming and chanting “life, liberty, and victory” along the National Mall.

The white nationalist group often clashes with progressive counter-protesters, claiming its “activism” is to assert “cultural independence” based on “our European race.”

The group also made headlines a month earlier when they descended on Boston’s SatanCon, the “largest satanic gathering in history,” and clashed with attendees.

About 200 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front came to DC in May, paraded down the National Mall while flanked by police

About 200 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front came to DC in May, paraded down the National Mall while flanked by police

Officials are asking that anyone with information contact police at 508-693-0750 or send the department a direct Facebook message.

Massachusetts and New England in general have seen an increase in white supremacist activity in recent years — with New Hampshire seeing the largest increase in 2022, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

According to the report, the number of recorded hate incidents has nearly doubled in the five states that make up the region.

Their activities include spreading racist signs and messages throughout the area and spreading hate speech through graffiti or fliers.

The most active hate groups are the Patriot Front and the Nazi Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131), which experts say has grown bigger and more dangerous.

NSC-131 describes itself as a “pro-white, street-oriented fraternity dedicated to arousing AUTHENTIC resistance against the enemies of our people in the New England region.”

The group, founded in 2019, has 30 to 40 members. They are against immigrants, drag performers, Jews and all people of color.

Of particular concern is that the Nationalist Social Club has recruited at least 10 military veterans who, as the Boston Globe notes, are “trained by the US government to fight and kill.”

The hate group has targeted community events, handing out Nazi literature and chanting racial slurs.