Elderly couple are ‘EVICTED’ from their home of two decades after ‘their son transferred ownership behind their backs’

Elderly couple are ‘evicted from their home’ after 20 years after ‘their son transferred ownership behind their backs’

  • Ismael and Angelita Ramirez regularly paid $700 a month
  • But in April 2023, they claim their son transferred ownership to another woman
  • The couple says they cannot get legal help and feel powerless

An elderly Californian couple have been evicted from their 20-year home after their son transferred ownership behind their backs.

Ismael and Angelita Ramirez claim they regularly paid $700 a month for the Fresno home, but in April 2023, the woman who bought the home served them an eviction notice because she wanted to sell the house, according to Fox 26.

The Ramirez family bought the house in 2003 with the help of their son and another person because they did not speak English. However, their names were never listed on the deed and their son signed the title as sole owner.

Ismael told Fox26: “He told us… it wasn’t necessary. And because we don’t know English, they lied to us there.’

The house is valued at approximately $260,000. It’s unclear how much Ramirez’s son sold it for.

Ismael and Angelita Ramirez claim they regularly paid $700 a month for the home, but were served an eviction notice in April 2023.

The couple also said they never thought their son would do this to them.

“We thought, why did our boy do that if he knew the house was ours?” Ismael said.

The eviction notice stated that the new owner would kick them out and sell the property.

The couple said they couldn’t get any legal help and feel powerless because once lawyers learn that the property is in their son’s name, they refuse to take the case.

Ismael and Angelita Ramirez’s story has since gone viral on social media and a GoFundMe page has been set up to support them through their daughter.

The page has raised $30,170 as of now. They have set the goal at $45,000.