Eight bulls on the loose after escaping Massachusetts mall rodeo

A herd of bulls were spotted escaping from a rodeo in Massachusetts on Sunday afternoon.

At around 2:19 p.m., the North Attleboro Fire Department announced that eight bulls are “currently at large” after escaping from the rodeo at Emerald Square Mall.

More than an hour later, the department announced that the bulls were “safely confined in Attleboro,” before a second release stating that one bull “is still at large.”

“There is no immediate threat to the community. Thank you to everyone who assisted and shared information with first responders,” the department added.

When the bulls escaped, firefighters warned residents in the area to be “extremely careful” if they encountered the cattle.

At approximately 2:19 p.m., the North Attleboro Fire Department announced that “eight bulls are currently at large” after escaping from the Emerald Square Mall rodeo

The herd of bulls can be seen running through the parking lot as stunned bystanders look on in shock

The North Attleboro Fire Department reports that eight bulls are currently loose from the rodeo at Emerald Square Mall.

“Community members should use extreme caution and not approach bulls. If you see a bull, call 9-1-1 immediately,” the department said.

Video captured the enormous animals running through a parking lot full of cars and people, jumping through a fence and galloping toward the road.

We saw the herd running past the vendors’ tables, while one of them led the group and jumped onto the fence.

A woman was seen nearly being trampled when she ran away just in time.

After they broke down the barrier, the other bulls quickly followed suit as concerned bystanders watched in amazement.

A North Attleboro police spokesman told DailyMail.com there is “no update at this time” on the escaped bulls

Event staff were then observed trying to push people aside as they tried to understand what had just happened.

The video ends with the bulls running toward the mall exit, near a busy highway.

More footage of the runaway bulls quickly circulated online. One video showed several bulls running down a residential street as someone filmed from their porch.

Another clip showed the group of bulls calmly walking across the road, just after a car had passed by.

People flocked to the original post and reacted to the bizarre moment.

“They look so happy to be free,” one person wrote.

The video ended with the bulls running toward the mall exit, near a busy highway

“This is AWESOME,” said another.

Another said: ‘They had been planning this escape for a while and today was the day.’

“I didn’t know they brought The Running of the Bulls to Massachusetts lmao #runningofthebulls,” said another.

“This is the most attention Emerald Square Mall has received since the early 2000s,” one commenter joked.

Others were less pleased with the bulls’ escape, with many fearing for the animals’ safety.

“Those poor animals. I hope they catch them safely,” said one commentator.

A local resident wrote: ‘Rodeos are animal cruelty. Shame on us that this event was ever welcomed into our town.’

The department warned residents in the area to use “extreme caution” if they encounter the cattle and to call 911 immediately.

Other clips of the runaway bulls quickly circulated online, including a video showing several bulls running down a residential street as a person filmed from their porch

Someone said, ‘This won’t end well for the bulls… another reason not to let this foolishness happen where it doesn’t belong!’

“Release them. They should be going to a shelter now. If they’re not being killed on the highway,” wrote another.

Kyle Massey said that after leaving the mall, he stopped at a traffic light and saw the bulls.

“I looked to my right and saw six, seven bulls or something, and I thought they were just walking around the parking lot with the people (from the rodeo),” Massey said WBZ-TV.

“Then I noticed they were getting closer, so I said to my daughter, ‘I think they’re at large,’ although I still didn’t really believe it, because it’s quite unbelievable. So I started recording,” he added.

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