Durham’s final report is RELEASED: FBI did NOT have evidence to investigate Trump-Russia collusion

Durham final report RELEASED: Prosecutor says FBI had NO ‘factual evidence’ to investigate Trump-Russia collusion and denounces ‘bias’ agency for failing to properly investigate Steele dossier

  • Special Counsel John Durham released a damning report Monday in which he concluded that the FBI “failed to fulfill their mission of strict adherence to the law.”
  • The investigation has cost taxpayers more than $6 million over four years
  • Crossfire Hurricane was the internal code name for an FBI investigation that began in 2016 to investigate possible links between the then Trump campaign and Russia

Special counsel John Durham found the FBI didn’t have enough “factual evidence” to investigate Trump-Russia conspiracy allegations, in a damning report obtained Monday by DailyMail.com.

Durham’s report is a summary of findings regarding whether the then Trump campaign in 2016 colluded with Russia to interfere with the election results.

The special counsel sent the report on his four-year investigation that cost more than $6 million in taxpayers’ money to top members of Congress, including Senate Majority Judge Dick Durbin and ranking member Lindsey Graham, Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and ranking member Jerry Nadler.

The report, which runs to more than 300 pages, says the Justice Department and FBI “have failed to deliver on their mission of strict adherence to the law.”

Durham writes, “Based on the evidence gathered in the many extensive and costly federal investigations of these cases, including the immediate investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the intelligence community appears to have had in their possession any actual evidence of conspiracy to the beginning of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.’

Special Counsel John Durham released his long-awaited report on Monday

Crossfire Hurricane was the internal code name for an FBI investigation that began in 2016 to investigate possible links between the then Trump campaign and Russia.

However, it has since been revealed that the entire basis for the investigation was based on false information.

Special counsel John Durham was appointed in 2019 by then-Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate misconduct related to the Crossfire Hurricane probe.

The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed and unconfirmed information also reflected a noticeable departure from the way it approached previous cases involving possible attempted foreign election inference plans aimed at on the Clinton campaign,” the report continues.

“FBI data compiled by Strzok in February and March 2017 shows that at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its possession that indicated that anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact at any point during the campaign. had with Russian intelligence officials. ‘

Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary, confirmed to DailyMail.com that he will ask Durham to appear before his committee next week.

He’s already contacted DOJ about his demand.

Attorney General Merrick Garland reportedly received the report last Friday before it was sent to Congress on Monday.

Durham has successfully obtained one conviction from his years of investigation: former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to illegally modifying an email that was then used as the basis to obtain a “surveillance warrant” for Carter Page, who served as a Trump campaign staffer in 2016.

This is a breaking news post and will be updated.

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