Drugged-up ‘zombies’ stumble through Melbourne in the middle of the day as locals erupt over Richmond’s ‘safe injecting room’ near a primary school

Frustrated residents living near a controversial 'injection room' are calling for the site to be removed from a local primary school.

Parents and neighbors say children at Melbourne's Richmond West Primary School are constantly exposed to drugged 'zombies' from the medically supervised injection room (MSIR).

The school is located next to the MSIR at North Richmond Community Health, approximately 3.5km east of the city's CBD.

Former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews argued that the MSIR is a way for addicts to inject drugs in a safe environment where medical staff are present in the event of an overdose.

The state health department claims the MSIR has “successfully managed nearly 6,750 overdoses.”

Richmond residents say they are tired of finding drugged 'zombies' roaming the streets because of a medically supervised injection room located next to the local primary school (pictured, a man at the MSIR)

The medically supervised injection room provides a legal loophole for drug users as police cannot make drug-related arrests within 300 meters (photo: a man lying on the street opposite the MSIR)

The medically supervised injection room provides a legal loophole for drug users as police cannot make drug-related arrests within 300 meters (photo: a man lying on the street opposite the MSIR)

However, residents claim the area has turned into a safe haven for drug users drawn to the suburb due to a legal loophole that prevents drug-related arrests within 300 meters of the room.

Every day, photos of people lying in public parks and gutters are shared online, often showing young children watching just meters away.

Another worrying issue for residents is the increasing number of discarded needles left on footpaths, playgrounds and parks.

This week alone, more than a dozen posts have been posted on the Move the Injection Room Facebook page urging the MSIR to be moved to a quieter area.

“Everything is done to enable addiction and nothing to stop it,” one person wrote.

'Where is the evidence of risk assessment for local children in primary school and nursery? Where is the concern for the physical and mental safety of the wider community?,” said another.

Many residents are frustrated by users leaving dangerous syringes in public areas (photo: a phone booth in Richmond with a needle on the shelf)

Many residents are frustrated by users leaving dangerous syringes in public areas (photo: a phone booth in Richmond with a needle on the shelf)

One outraged resident listed all the ways life in Richmond has changed since the MSIR was implemented.

“A huge increase in the number of discarded needles and other injecting equipment,” she said.

'The primary school is being strengthened and guards are being deployed to protect the children from drugged intruders. Hanging around and injecting openly.

“There is foul language shouted at all times. Regular violence, sometimes with weapons, between the drugged youths hanging around. Residents are afraid to walk on the street.

'Overdose deaths on our streets discovered by residents. Frequent overdose collapses that left residents with no choice but to try to help.”

A report published in August by public health research group Penington Institute found that 2,231 drug-related deaths were reported in Australia in 2021, equivalent to one death every four hours.

Of these, 1,675 were unintentional.

“The annual number of unintentional drug-related deaths exceeded road tolls in 2014,” the report said.

'The gap between the two has continued to widen since then.'

The MSIR is next to Richmond West Primary School, which means young children often see people injecting drugs and passing out on the street (photo, man in Richmond, near MSIR)

The MSIR is next to Richmond West Primary School, which means young children often see people injecting drugs and passing out on the street (photo, man in Richmond, near MSIR)

The report warns that the figures are likely to rise as the data is reviewed and finalized over the coming years.

The most common drug found in human systems is opioids, which were responsible for 45.7 percent of overdose deaths in 2021.

Opioids, which are prescribed as a painkiller but often linked to addiction and abuse, were found in 81 percent of deaths involving multiple substances.

Melbourne is particularly affected by Australia's drug crisis. Data from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission shows that Melbourne has the highest heroin, ketamine and fentanyl consumption of any Australian capital.

While many Richmond residents are all for finding a way to help those struggling with addiction, they believe the injection room is not a sustainable solution.

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission data shows Melbourne has the highest levels of heroin, ketamine and fentanyl consumption of any Australian capital (photo: a man on the ground at the MSIR)

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission data shows Melbourne has the highest levels of heroin, ketamine and fentanyl consumption of any Australian capital (photo: a man on the ground at the MSIR)

'No one says the room brought drugs here, but it was mostly contained (previously). What the chamber has done, and not to blame the users, but the government that put the chamber there, is moved it to our families,” one person wrote.

'The room and its surroundings have become a meeting place for those who use and trade.

'Users are part of our community, some we are friends with, others we are not. You invited all Melbourne users to the area… the numbers are out of control. Knowing the police won't touch you makes the habit worse.

“To all of you respectful users, thank you, to those who are so affected that they have no control over their behavior. I'm sorry you didn't get the help you really needed.'