Driver asks who was in the right after being abused over an infuriating parking problem


A driver who was abused after his involvement in an infuriating family parking problem asked other motorists online: who is right when two drivers believe the same vacant space should be theirs.

The Sydney motorist described it as “mass abuse” after stopping in a vacant spot in front of another car that was already waiting, but on the wrong side of a quiet street.

Posted the riddle on Reddit with an image to show where both cars were in relation to space.

Seeing a yellow car drive out of a parallel park, the man driving a white car waited for the driver to get out, and then went inside.

“Just got massive abuse from the driver of the blue car in this situation,” the driver of the white car wrote.

A Sydney motorist described being “massively abused” after pulling into a vacant spot in front of another car that was already waiting, but coming from the wrong side of a quiet road.

The internet has been divided over an infuriating parking problem: who’s right when two drivers think the same vacant space should be theirs. The man who posted the real life problem on reddit also included a diagram (pictured above)

‘It’s a fairly quiet street in Sydney, but very difficult to find a park.

‘I am the white car, approaching the yellow car that is leaving its place.

“But the blue car was there before me and it was on the wrong side.”

Several commentators believed that the driver of the white car was on the right, due to the position of the blue car.

“The blue car can be fucked up, he has no claim there,” said one person.

“He would have to make multiple turns to get in there while stopping traffic on both sides of the street to get a spot that isn’t his.”

“You should fuck off and find a park on your side of the road.”

Some felt that the blue car’s mistake was not turning around to approach the park from the same side.

“If the blue car wanted that spot, it should have been on the right side of the road first,” one person wrote.

‘When I learned to drive, I was always told that if you’re not waiting behind the departing car (facing the same direction), it’s not your place.

‘The blue car should have turned around sooner [white car] got there, if the timeline were short enough to [white car] he got there before blue could turn around, so it was never his place.

One person pointed out that the rules of the road state that anyone making a U-turn cannot do so if it means it would impede the movement of traffic.


Who should get the yellow car parking space?

  • The white car: it is on the right side of the road 182 votes
  • The Blue Car: It was first and can make a U-turn 36 votes

“Based on this wording, I’m assuming the blue car can’t turn because it sees you (traffic) and can’t make a U-turn safely without obstruction.”

But the center line in the diagram has been broken, which means turning around is allowed.

‘Why is the blue car’s impending U-turn illegal if the line is broken?’ one person commented.

“The blue car must make a legal U-turn to cross the lane and therefore must yield to the white car,” said another.

‘That doesn’t mean the white car has ‘right of way’. Both parties must avoid a collision at all costs.

“The blue car may get upset about that, but it has no legally enforceable right to that position.”

But some felt the driver of the white car was selfish in taking the spot.

Opinions were divided on who should have gotten the free space.

“The person in the white car could be courteous and go ahead to allow the blue car to park in that space or take the space,” the same person said.

“The original poster isn’t bad, he’s just a jerk,” said another.

‘This is very common behavior in parking lots, and I don’t see why you shouldn’t move to a ‘quiet street’.

But again, opinion was divided.

‘This is a street, not a parking lot.

‘What kind of jerk expects to be able to do a three-point turn to drive into a parking space with oncoming traffic?

“Sitting there signaling does nothing but block the road and create a confusing situation for other drivers.”

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