Dream expert reveals what it means if you see visions of cars (and why you shouldn’t ignore them!)

A dream expert has revealed what it means if you keep seeing visions of cars in your sleep.

Theresa Cheung, who lives in the UK, appeared on This Morning today to help viewers understand some of their recurring dreams.

During the segment, the theme of cars kept popping up for callers — which Theresa said provided an invaluable insight into their state of mind.

According to the expert, the car represents the life path you are on – and the colors or obstacles it encounters can easily translate into problems you face.

To start with, Lynda, from Essex, told Theresa that she kept dreaming about green cars and buses.

According to dream expert Theresa Cheung, cars represent your life path in dreams – and the colors or obstacles it faces can easily translate into problems you face

She explained, “Back on my [dream journal] over the past few days I realize that I dream about green vehicles all the time.

“For example, I bought a green car, I sold a green car, I traveled on green buses, I crashed my friend’s green car, I broke down in a green car.

“And last night I was kidnapped by a man in a green bus.”

Theresa emphasized that this was more than coincidence, saying, “Dreams don’t lie.

“They are a symbolic voice-over for your life and aspects of yourself that you need to integrate and develop.”

With this in mind, Theresa said that the vehicle in Lynda’s dreams represents her “direction in life” and the “path she is going on.”

She continued, “All vehicles are green and that is a symbol of abundance and a fresh new start.

“So your dreaming mind is ramming this through your psyche and saying ‘please pay attention to green’.” Because we attract what we are in our lives, not what we want.’

Plus, Jill, from Nottinghamshire, also called up the show for more insight into her car dreams.

For the past six months, the viewer says she’s constantly behind the wheel of a car and running into obstacles – ranging from roadblocks to one-way streets.

She said, “I’ll never get where I want to go, because there are all these steep hills that the car can’t go up.”

Echoing Lynda’s recurring dream, Theresa explained, “So many people dream of being in a car or vehicle because it’s the direction in life you’re going.

“This dream is urging you to take the path less traveled instead of the high road everyone expects you to take.”

What’s more, Kerry, from Hampshire, also sought Theresa’s help, as she keeps having dreams where she finds herself separated from her car.

Kerry – who recently divorced – explains: ‘I often dream of looking for my car in the parking lot, but I never actually find it. It causes me quite a lot of stress and it wakes me up anxious.

Pictured: Theresa Cheung, who lives in the UK, helped viewers with their recurring dreams on This Morning today

“The car is on a cruise ship and I’m at the dock and I keep going on the ship to find my car, but I can’t.”

In response, Theresa said, “This is your dreaming spirit doing what it does best: helping you grow and evolve from this life shock you’ve had with a divorce.”

‘A ship is safe in a dock, a car is safe in a parking garage. But that’s not what they are for.

Your dreaming mind is saying, “Let go of the idea that attachment to someone else defines you.” It doesn’t work anymore. You are free, you are free to find out what you are – regardless of what you do and the people in your life. […]

“The reason you’re in a panic isn’t because you can’t find the car or ship, it’s because they’re stuck. You have to drive that car, you have to sail that ocean.’

In addition, the expert urged people to pay more attention to recurring themes in their dreams.

Theresa added, “Your dreams are like a Netflix series and you have to tune in every night for the next exciting episode of yours.”

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