Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the first game in the series to feature a photo mode at launch

BioWare has announced that Dragon Age: The Veil Guard will include a photo mode at launch.

This makes The veil keeper the first match in the Dragon Age series to have a photo mode at launch, a feature that fans have been hoping for. This means that players won’t have to install third-party applications to capture their favorite moments in the upcoming game.

The new photo mode will feature all the tools players may be familiar with from other modern releases, such as Horizon Forbidden West And Spiderman 2It will feature a free-roaming camera, autofocus, the ability to hide the player, party, enemies and NPCs, and adjust screen settings such as brightness and saturation.

Dragon Age: The Veil Guard Photo mode features:

  • Free-moving camera, tilt, focal length and lens distortion
  • Depth of field
  • Automatic focus
  • Distance
  • F-Stop, which allows you to control the lighting
  • Vignette mode, which darkens the edge of the screen, giving it a more cinematic look
  • Flowering power
  • Saturation, brightness and contrast
  • The ability to hide the player, party, enemies, or NPCs

Speaking with IGNgave game director Corinne Busche The veil keeper‘s photo mode credit to Mass Effect: The Legendary EditionBrenon Holmes, technical design director of, who said he helped implement it into the game.

“He not only drove this feature, he did a lot of work supporting it,” Busche said. “What I really like is the tab where you can hide different characters. So hide character, hide party, hide enemies, hide NPCs. You can really customize the shot to your liking… You might be in the middle of a fight with a dragon, but there’s a character in the way, so you can take them out.”

Dragon Age: The Veil Guard will be released on October 31 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

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