DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why now is the perfect time to try the new Fast 800 Keto book


The Christmas holidays have come and gone, but sadly those extra pounds you gained are probably still hanging around.

That’s why now is the perfect time to try out the new Fast 800 Keto book, packed with delicious recipes created by my wife, Dr. Clare Bailey, and serializing in the Daily Mail starting today (see Weekend Magazine).

I’ve just had to put myself on this same diet. All those mince pies, alcohol and big meals I ate over the festive period badly damaged my waistline: although I normally weigh 176 lbs (80 kg), I got to 183 lbs (83 kg) and had to loosen my belt. Worse yet, my blood pressure had risen from 125/80 to 135/84, bordering on what the NHS considers ‘high’, and my blood sugar levels were 6.2 mmol/l, instead of 5.2, which put me in the pre-diabetic state. scope.

I’m delighted to say that not only has it been fun trying all the recipes in Clare’s book, but in just seven days I’ve lost most of that excess weight, while my blood pressure and blood sugar levels have back to normal. I’m also almost back to the usual notch on my belt (should be there soon).

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: ‘Now is the perfect time to try out the new Fast 800 Keto book, packed with delicious recipes created by my wife, Dr Clare Bailey, and serializing in the Daily Mail from today (see Weekend Magazine)’

Not only should this diet lead to quick and safe weight loss, but the kinds of health benefits I’ve experienced are well documented: Studies show that if you’re overweight or obese, losing 5 percent of your body weight , which this diet can help you achieve: You’ll significantly lower your blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and harmful fats in your blood, all of which will lower your risk of heart attack or stroke.

Losing this amount of weight will also reduce your risk of cancer, as having too much body fat leads to the release of hormones and inflammatory agents that encourage cancer growth.

And here are some other reasons why you might want to shed those extra inches…


A 2014 study from the University of Pennsylvania found that people who lost 5% or more of their body weight slept about 20 minutes longer, and it was much better quality sleep

If you’re like me, when you gain weight, it doesn’t just go around your tummy but around your neck as well.

A fat neck means you’re more likely to snore (keeping your partner awake) and develop obstructive sleep apnea, where you temporarily stop breathing while you sleep.

A 2014 study by the University of Pennsylvania found that people who lost 5 percent or more of their body weight slept about 20 minutes longer, and it was much better quality sleep.


When overweight middle-aged men were put on a low-carbohydrate diet of 800 calories per day for eight weeks, they not only lost an average of 10 kg (22 lbs), but also improved their sexual desire and erectile function, reported the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2011

Not only do people generally feel more confident and desirable when they lose weight, but losing body fat increases sex hormones and improves blood flow to our sexual organs.

When overweight middle-aged men were put on a low-carbohydrate diet of 800 calories per day for eight weeks, they not only lost an average of 10 kg (22 lbs), but also improved their sexual desire and erectile function, reported the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2011. These benefits were still there a year later.


Many of us struggle to remember things, particularly as we get older. Exercise can keep your brain in good shape, but if you’re overweight, losing a few of those pounds could be particularly helpful for your little gray cells.

In a 2013 study, researchers at Umea University in Sweden asked 20 overweight postmenopausal women to go on a diet. The women lost an average of 8 kg (17 lb), with those who lost the most experiencing the greatest improvements in memory and brain function.

Exercise can keep your brain in good shape, but if you’re overweight, losing a few of those pounds could be particularly helpful for your little gray cells.


Although there is a widespread fear that dieting makes people unhappy, when done correctly, the opposite appears to be true.

A major review of studies involving more than 45,000 people with depression or anxiety found that whether a diet involved losing weight or simply focused on improving the quality of food eaten had a big impact on symptoms. And women experienced the greatest benefit.

Dr Joseph Firth, a University of Manchester researcher who led the study, said that while he wasn’t entirely sure why weight loss has this effect, “it could be through reduced inflammation or fatigue, which are related to diet and the impact on mental health’.


It may surprise you to learn that the most common cause of vision loss in people of working age in the UK is type 2 diabetes.

This is because high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels and nerves that are essential to the health of the retina (the “seeing” part at the back of the eye).

Many studies have shown that significant weight loss can more than halve your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and help put the condition in remission if you currently have it.


Walking at a brisk pace will also get your blood pumping and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your skin, which in turn should help your skin look more supple and youthful.

Obesity, especially if it results from a typical Western diet high in fat and sugar, causes widespread skin inflammation, which in turn leads to rough, scaly skin; so ditching those takeout foods can help your skin look so much smoother.

Walking at a brisk pace will also get your blood pumping and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your skin, which in turn should help your skin look more supple and youthful.

So even more reasons to check out today’s Weekend magazine and start your own journey to better health.

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