DR MEGAN ROSSI reveals how parents deal with the challenges of feeding the little ones
Spend time with parents of young children and you can almost bet that at some point the conversation will turn to what their offspring will and will not eat.
Picky eating — and its potential effects on a child’s long-term health — is a real concern for some parents, and understandably so.
As a parent of one (soon to be two), I know firsthand the pressures and challenges of feeding little people.
I’m also well-versed in the research that shows the importance of good nutrition in the early days of a child’s life – from conception to second birthday – to their development.
Children who are well-nourished during this period are ten times more likely to overcome infections and get better grades in school – and as adults, they are likely to earn more than 20 percent more than less well-nourished children, and will have healthier families of their own , according to the international charity 1,000 Days.
Picky eating – and its potential effects on a child’s long-term health – is a real concern for some parents, and understandably so (stock image)
As a parent of one (soon to be two), I know firsthand the pressures and challenges of feeding little people
It’s true that well-nourished children often come from more privileged, educated families, which you might think explains why these kids fare better – but research from Brazil, published in The Lancet in 2015, showed that even taking into account household income and parents’ education, the association with higher IQ, level of education and income after 30 years remained.
It’s not just about feeding children in those early days and months. In fact, parents can help ensure that their child benefits from good nutrition before they are even born – from before conception.
Research suggests that what you eat — and that means both parents — can affect your child’s future health and development, as well as the health of the genes passed down through generations.
A study published in Cell Metabolism in 2016 found that weight loss in obese men was linked to a “dramatic remodeling of sperm DNA” — interestingly, with genes involved in appetite control.
We know that children of obese fathers are more likely to develop it themselves – this study suggests that the inheritance of obesity from fathers to their offspring can be reversed before conception, and this is certainly what has been shown in animal studies.
I don’t want to add to the pressures of motherhood because it’s hard enough as it is, but what moms-to-be eat during pregnancy can affect the type of food your child likes.
This is partly because their taste buds start to develop from eight weeks of pregnancy. So give them cauliflower in the womb and chances are they’ll find it more appetizing once they make it to the outside world – even if you have to put it in a smoothie (see recipe at right).
As soon as a child is born, we know that breast is best – and there’s fascinating new research contributing to the reasons why. We now know that the third largest component of breast milk, next to water, is actually indigestible and designed to nourish and develop a baby’s microbiome – the community of microbes that live in the gut. A healthy microbiome can play a role in protecting against disease and infection and influence their likelihood of developing allergies, even obesity later in life.
So even if you only manage for a few days, any breastfeeding is better than none.
When it comes to encouraging your child to eat well, the weaning phase offers a chance to introduce a range of foods – and the broader it is, studies show, the less likely your child is to be a fussy eater. is becoming.
This is when it’s worth introducing them to what I call the super six plant groups: legumes (like lentils and green beans), vegetables, fruits, whole grains (like oats and rolled oats), nuts and seeds, herbs and spices (the latter will help develop their taste buds). It’s a pain to hit all of these in the first year, but it’s worth aiming for at least one on each of these days.
Another obvious way to help your child eat well is to be a role model yourself – young children will want what they see you having (stock image)
The fact that nuts are on that list may come as a surprise, as many parents are cautious about introducing them into their children’s diets. you try this.
But the point is that there is now evidence that early and regular introduction of peanuts in the form of soft nut butter or powder – from four months onwards – in those at higher risk (because of a family history) can actually help reduce the risk of a peanut Reduce. allergy. To put your mind at ease, according to Allergy UK, an estimated 99.8 percent of babies won’t have a serious reaction.
Another obvious way to help your child eat well is to be a role model yourself – young children will want what they see you having.
I’ve always made a big deal out of eating a wide variety of plants in front of my now two-year-old son Archie when he was very little (and getting his dad to do the same, which wasn’t easy) and this has really worked with him – he will happily eat black beans and sprouts.
Another science-backed strategy is to give them a say in what they eat — take them vegetarian groceries and let them choose what they want.
And if they keep rejecting food, don’t give up. Research tells us that children may have to be offered food a dozen times before they accept it – exhausting, I know. But I’ve found that using leftovers in meals can help some of that resentment I experienced when Archie refused a veggie stew I made for him.
And what about forbidden foods? Again, we know from research that as soon as you curtail a food, it puts a premium on it in the eyes of a child.
So choose your words carefully – just telling a child that food is healthy or unhealthy doesn’t say much. Try to teach them about the importance of their gut microbes from a young age: tell them to feed the little bugs in their bellies with things like broccoli to keep them strong — this worked wonders not only for my two nephews, but many of my clients also have young children. Sure, they can eat cake on a special day, but tell them that eating this piece of fruit or vegetables will make them feel happier.
Frankly, these strategies work. Archie is now two and thinks butter beans are best — and yes, baby number two could throw all this in my face, but science suggests the odds are in my favor if I stick to these principles.
Try this: Hidden Flowerberry Smoothie
Packed with antioxidant flavonoids, which have been shown to have brain-stimulating properties, this also includes cauliflower, for a hefty serving of veggies — and the yogurt provides live microbes for good measure.
Serves 1
- 100 g frozen blueberries
- 1 ripe pear, chopped
- 2 florets of frozen cauliflower
- 100 g thick, natural yoghurt
- 100 ml water or milk of your choice
- Ice cream, to serve
Grind the ingredients in a powerful blender until smooth. (Put frozen ingredients first for a smooth mix). Serve over ice.
Ask Megan
There is a lot of information that it is important to control our cholesterol levels, but what about triglycerides?
Bala Balenthiran, Reading, Berkshire.
Triglycerides are the most abundant form of fat in the blood. Your body converts excess calories into triglycerides that circulate in your blood and are then stored in your fat cells. When your body needs energy, the triglycerides are released and used as fuel.
Get moving: exercise helps mobilize and burn excess triglycerides (stock image)
Like cholesterol, triglycerides have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, so yes, it’s important to lower high levels. Fortunately, in many cases this can be done with diet and lifestyle changes (otherwise you may be prescribed medications such as statins). Try these science-backed tips:
- Reduce the amount of added sugars in your diet, especially from sweetened drinks (excess sugar can be converted to triglycerides).
- Increase your fiber intake, as this can slow down the absorption of dietary fat, which is transported in your blood system as triglycerides.
- Get moving: Exercise helps mobilize and burn excess triglycerides.
- Eat oily fish twice a week – the omega 3 fatty acids they contain have been shown to help reduce fats such as triglycerides produced in the liver. Fatty fish include salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring and sardines.
- Email drmegan@dailymail.co.uk or write to Good Health, Daily Mail, 9 Derry Street, London, W8 5HY — please include contact details. Dr. Megan Rossi cannot comment on personal correspondence. Answers should be taken in a general context; Always consult your doctor in case of health problems