DR. ELLIE CANNON: Is it possible that I developed Asperger’s Syndrome at 73?

I’m 73 and I think I have Asperger’s syndrome. From an early age, I have been picky when it comes to food and have always preferred my own company. Do you think I could have the disorder?

Dr. Ellie answers: Doctors no longer use the term Asperger’s, but historically it has referred to people with ‘high-functioning’ autism – and the term affects thousands of people in Britain, many of whom are undiagnosed.

People with autism find it difficult to communicate and understand other people and social situations. They may have difficulty with too much stimulation, for example flashing lights and loud noises, which can make them feel uncomfortable. People with autism may repeat behavioral patterns and perform the same routine over and over again, such as following a specific walking route or eating only a certain brand of breakfast cereal.

Research shows that around 750,000 people in Britain have undiagnosed autism

Crucially, many people with autism have learning difficulties, meaning they struggle to progress at school or, in severe cases, require full-time care. However, a significant number of people have a mild form.

They may have difficulty with social interactions, dislike noisy places, or find themselves narrowly focused on a specific area of ​​interest. But they have no learning difficulties and can lead successful, independent lives.

Research shows that around 750,000 people in Britain have undiagnosed autism. Previously, people with mild autism – those who have normal levels of language and intelligence – were diagnosed with Asperger’s.

However, the medical community has moved away from this diagnosis because it gives the impression that Asperger’s and autism are two different conditions, which is not the case. There is no cure or treatment for autism – and it is not considered a disease.

But some people find that getting a diagnosis can be helpful because it helps them understand themselves better.

Many people report that their autistic traits become more apparent as they get older, or are exacerbated by other problems such as sadness or depression. Support groups and charities such as the National Autistic Society can provide advice on topics such as communication, mental health and education. If you think you have autism and want a diagnosis, speak to your GP about an autism assessment. They should be able to refer you to a psychiatrist.

My father, who is 89, had shingles 18 months ago and is still in severe pain. He has been prescribed the painkiller pregabalin and it seems to help a little. What else can he do to improve his pain?

Dr. Ellie answers: Shingles is a painful condition that can last for months in some cases. It is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster, which is also the cause of chickenpox.

The vast majority of people get chickenpox when they are children. But even after the rash clears, the virus remains in the body forever.

This usually does not lead to symptoms or illness, but the virus can reactivate later in life and this manifests as shingles.

Shingles usually appears as a band of rash, redness and blisters in a specific part of the body and can be very painful. It usually affects people over 65 years of age.

Unfortunately, shingles can also cause neuralgia – nerve pain that can last for months – in a fifth of patients.

Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are usually ineffective against neuralgia. That is why GPs often prescribe specialist painkillers, such as gabapentin, amitriptyline or pregabalin. If pregabalin seems to be working, it may be possible to increase the dose.

However, this should be done under the careful supervision of a GP, especially in older patients who are at risk of side effects such as dizziness.

I am a 75 year old man and I have been told that I need a B12 injection every four months. Why do so many people have low B12 levels – and could there be any link to Covid vaccines?

Dr. Ellie answers: Vitamin B12 is essential for the body because it keeps our red blood cells healthy and ensures that the nervous system functions properly. We mainly get B12 from animal products such as meat, fish, milk and cheese.

This is why many people who follow a vegan diet – which contains no animal products at all – are advised to take B12 supplements.

However, the most common type of B12 deficiency is caused by something called pernicious anemia. This is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly produces defensive antibodies that attack the stomach and prevent it from absorbing vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is most common in older people. One in ten Britons over the age of 75 suffer from it.

Given that the Covid vaccines were offered to people of all ages, but vitamin B12 deficiency appears to mainly affect the elderly, it is unlikely that the jabs themselves have led to an increase in the problem.