I’ve had a cough for years. I’ve tried everything but nothing seems to make it go away. Friends have now advised me to eliminate all dairy products from my diet as this could be the cause. Are they right?
Dairy products — milk, cheese, yogurt, and the like — are often blamed for causing mucus. For example, I know singers who avoid dairy because they think it affects their voice, but there is no good scientific evidence for this.
There are many reasons for a chronic cough: asthma, allergies, or even acid indigestion. A GP can discuss all options.
Commonly used blood pressure tablets called ACE inhibitors are also known to cause coughing. If this could be a problem, you should talk to your doctor about finding an alternative.
To safely try a dairy-free diet, try it for two to four weeks to see if it makes any difference. It would only be worth continuing if the benefits were really obvious, as these types of exclusion diets, where entire food groups are removed, carry risks.
There are many reasons for a chronic cough: asthma, allergies, or even acid indigestion. A GP can discuss all options
Diary foods are a great source of protein, calories and calcium, which are especially important for older women to prevent frailty and thin bones. If you exclude them, you could miss out on those benefits and cause other problems, such as a breakup.
For anyone, young or old, following a dairy-free diet, I would recommend using the Royal Osteoporosis Society’s calcium intake calculator to make sure you’re getting enough calcium (theros.org.uk).
My wife has been diagnosed with pseudogout after developing a swollen and very painful knee. To date, she has been given anti-inflammatory medication and ibuprofen ointment. While they help to some extent, she still cannot walk any distance without significant discomfort. Do you have any advice?
Pseudogout is a form of arthritis in which the crystals of a substance called calcium pyrophosphate build up in the joints. It is similar to gout, where crystals of another chemical – urate – are deposited.
The condition causes severe episodes of joint pain and swelling. For most people, it’s the knees that suffer from pseudogout, and it usually occurs in people over the age of 60.
The symptoms normally come on very quickly and people may notice that their knee is suddenly warm, swollen and even red. The severe pain usually takes a few days to subside and takes about two weeks for the joint to return to normal.
For most people, it is the knees that suffer from pseudogout
It is not always easy to determine what triggers an acute attack of pseudogout. Sometimes it happens after an illness, surgery or an injury, but it’s not always obvious.
When it flares up, the first step is to glaze the joint and use an anti-inflammatory drug such as aspirin. Ice is a valuable anti-inflammatory and you should use it for 15 minutes two or three times a day. You can get ice packs specially shaped for the knees at the pharmacy.
A gout medication called colchicine may also be used, but this should be started within the first day of the attack.
It is also possible to use steroid tablets from the doctor to treat the problem, as well as an injection of steroids into the joint. Talk to your doctor about getting back into exercise, which is an important part of your life and health.
They may also be able to offer a referral for a rheumatologist if they can’t get the condition under control.
About three years ago I was diagnosed with bladder prolapse and put on a pessary that is replaced every six months. This works well – I lost my husband a few years ago, so I’m not sexually active. But at these appointments I am always asked if I want surgery to correct the problem. I’m 70, but I haven’t given up on meeting someone new. Is surgery safe and worth it?
The term prolapse means that an organ has moved from its normal position. This can happen in the pelvis of a woman with aging, as supporting structures, such as the pelvic floor muscles, become weaker.
The bladder and vagina lie close to each other in the pelvis and are separated only by a thin muscular wall. If this muscle relaxes, as it often does, prolapse will occur.
With a bladder prolapse, this not only causes discomfort, but also problems with urination.
A diaphragm is a simple and effective physical treatment. It is usually made of silicone and is inserted into the vagina by a healthcare provider, physically pushing the bladder back into place. It is usually changed every six months.
Patients can have intercourse while using some types of diaphragms and learn to remove and replace it themselves when it is more comfortable.
The surgery for a bladder prolapse is called an anterior repair. It is done under general anesthesia and performed through the vagina so there are no visible scars. One risk is that the prolapse can come back, which happens to about a third of women who have this surgery.
It can cause incontinence or difficulty urinating and there are general risks of surgery, such as infection and bleeding, which may depend on your general health.
If it’s an option, an appointment with a surgeon could help you learn more details about the risks and benefits, which can help you make a decision.
Perfect recipe for the over 60s
I was delighted to learn that the government has dropped plans to raise the minimum age for free prescriptions from 60 to 66.
Ministers previously said Britons would face charges up to retirement age. It was an extremely unfair idea as each drug costs nearly £10, people often rely on multiple drugs and many need to replenish their supplies every few weeks.
Studies show that the average over-60s depend on about 42 packs of prescription pills per year. I have long argued for a major shake-up of the system. It is ridiculous that some people get their medicines for free – such as people with thyroid disease – but others – for example asthmatics – do not. It’s time we copy Scotland and make recipes free for everyone. If you’re struggling with the cost of medications, ask your pharmacist for a prepayment certificate, which will save you money.
Send me your questions about women’s heart health
In our women’s health special next week, a panel of experts will answer readers’ questions about everything from itchy intimate skin to breast pain.
Recently I asked what you specifically want to know about menopause, but this week I’m looking for your thoughts on another important topic: heart health.
We know there’s a big gender gap when it comes to surviving heart disease: Women are 50 percent less likely to be correctly diagnosed than men. And it’s estimated that men are twice as likely to survive a heart attack.
Why? Well, the symptoms of heart problems can look different in a woman, and studies looking for telltale signs have historically excluded women, so much is unknown about exactly what doctors look for.
Now I want to help you understand your own heart health. The question is what do you want to know about the subject? Write and tell me at the email address below.