DR ELLIE CANNON: Could my pins and needles be linked to my heart surgery?

Three years ago I had a heart attack followed by a quintuple bypass. Since the surgery I have been experiencing numbness and pins and needles in my left leg. This has become much more common lately. Could those two things be related?

Heart bypass surgery replaces clogged blood vessels in the heart with healthy blood vessels from elsewhere. Usually, the healthy ones are removed from the leg during surgery. This can sometimes lead to damage in the affected part of the leg.

Blood vessels are often located close to nerves. So it is possible that nerves are crushed or damaged during the removal of vessels.

Nerves are responsible for controlling all movements and sensations, including pain, temperature, and touch. If they become damaged or put under pressure from swelling or a scar nearby, they won’t work properly. Sometimes this manifests as pins and needles.

Nerve damage can also cause numbness, burning pain, or weakness. It can even cause paralysis if the damaged nerves are in control. Nerve damage from the bypass seems most likely in your case and a GP should be able to determine if this is the case during an examination.

Heart bypass surgery involves replacing blocked blood vessels in the heart with healthy blood vessels from elsewhere (stock photo)

With special research, the problem can be further assessed. Patients may be referred for neurophysiology at a local hospital, which measures the electrical impulses in the nerves.

There are other possible reasons for numbness and tingling, such as another type of nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy. This can be caused by a vitamin deficiency such as B12 or other conditions such as diabetes.

For this reason, doctors usually perform blood tests on a patient with nerve-related symptoms. Peripheral neuropathy can also be a side effect of some types of heart medications.

Some time ago I was diagnosed with a hernia in my groin. But I was surprised to learn that I didn’t meet the criteria for treatment to have it fixed. I am 76 but very fit and healthy – I play tennis at least once a week. I would have thought that would mean I am more a candidate for surgery than most?

Hernias are common. They happen when an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the muscle wall and appears as a lump. They usually develop in the groin or abdomen.

Not everyone needs treatment for a hernia, as they cause no symptoms and no problems for many people. In such situations it is important to weigh the potential benefits of the operation against the risks.

More from dr. Ellie Cannon for The Mail on Sunday…

It may be worth having an ultrasound done, which will tell you exactly where it is and how big it is.

Hernias become a concern when any part of the body becomes trapped in them. For example, blood vessels in the hernia can become trapped, cutting off the blood supply.

Surgery that is offered depends on a number of factors, including the likelihood of dangerous consequences. Other issues include the extent to which symptoms affect a patient’s quality of life, their general health, and the location of the hernia.

A hernia usually doesn’t get better without surgery, but it can’t get worse either.

It may seem like doctors don’t offer hernia operations to save the NHS money, but usually this is not the case. Instead, the reason is to spare patients surgery that is not necessary.

I have suffered from inflamed ingrown hairs around my jawline for years. They are thick, white and cause an unsightly swelling. My GP has prescribed antibiotics, and creams containing Fucidin or Azelaic acid, which can thin the skin after prolonged use. Obviously I can’t be on antibiotics forever. Will anything else help?

Skin problems can be very annoying, especially if they affect a part of the body that is so visible, such as the face.

Ingrown hairs happen when hair gets stuck in the skin. They tend to cause raised, itchy bumps that become inflamed and painful. Sometimes the bumps become infected, causing even greater swelling and pus.

Once this happens, a condition called folliculitis can develop, when hair follicles become inflamed. This is often seen in people with beards.

Write to Dr. Ellie

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Dr. Cannon cannot respond to personal correspondence and her responses should be viewed in a general context.

One reason why ingrown hairs form is due to a buildup of dead skin cells that trap the hair. Exfoliating the skin can help prevent this, but make sure you use a product that is gentle enough for the face. You can buy over-the-counter creams that contain salicylic acid, which may also help.

These soften the skin, making it easier for hair to grow. They are also anti-inflammatory.

Try them on a small area of ​​skin first to make sure they don’t irritate.

Some moisturizers available for eczema are also antibacterial and can help keep things from getting worse. A commonly available moisturizer is Dermol, which can be used for both washing and moisturizing.

It is true that you cannot be on antibiotics forever. However, GPs do use long-term antibiotics for certain conditions such as acne and rosacea. You can ask your doctor if you can continue taking the pills for six to twelve months to put the condition into remission.

Teenagers do not need parental consent to get the measles shot

If you didn’t get your measles shot — the MMR vaccine — as a baby, ask your doctor if you can get it now, regardless of your parents’ opinions on vaccines (stock photo)

I have some advice for teens that some parents may not like. If you didn’t have your measles shot — the MMR vaccine — as a baby, ask your doctor if you can get it now, regardless of your parents’ opinions on vaccines.

We are on the verge of a major measles outbreak, with 2023 cases already twice as many as last year – and we are only in July.

Do not underestimate this disease. About a fifth of patients end up in hospital and in some cases it can be fatal.

Unfortunately, what we are seeing now is the result of the unfounded scares about the MMR shot in the early 2000s. Many young adults between the ages of 19 and 25 were not vaccinated because their parents were influenced by these unfounded claims.

But now that this age group can make their own decisions, it’s time to be protected. And with that you also protect the people around you. It’s never too late – just ask your GP for more information.

Heavy periods? Go to your doctor

This week I was surprised by a post I saw on Twitter shared by a gynecologist I follow.

She posted an image of a chair lined with paper towels, explaining that this was how her teenage patient coped with heavy periods.

I have to say it was right. Over the years, I’ve been amazed at the effort women make to cope with their bleeding—for example, they never wear white clothes or call in sick at work.

Don’t hide the problem and see your doctor. Heavy bleeding can be a sign that something is seriously wrong. For menopausal women, this may indicate endometrial cancer. For younger women, it could be fibroids or endometriosis.

Even if there is no underlying problem, heavy periods can greatly affect quality of life. GPs and gynecologists can and should help, so ask us!

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