DR. ELLIE: British sex aid promises ‘prescription orgasms’ that could help women going through menopause. PLUS How to Help Burning Mouth Syndrome

I have been diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome and am at my wits end with the persistent pain.

My jaw is so tight and my teeth always hurt. The pain also radiates to my neck and shoulders. I have seen several counselors who say there is no cure or medication. What would you advise?

Dr. Ellie answers: Burning Mouth Syndrome is a distressing and painful condition and unfortunately it is not surprising to hear that someone has not received a cure or help.

As the name suggests, the condition causes terrible symptoms in the mouth, usually described as a burning pain that can feel like burning, tingling or even pins and needles.

Some patients also find that chewing gum, consuming cold drinks, or sucking ice cubes provides temporary relief from burning mouth syndrome

Some people will also notice numbness in the mouth, as well as changes in taste and a dry feeling.

It can affect any part of the mouth, but most commonly the tongue and palate. It usually affects women over 60 years of age. Doctors still don’t know what causes it.

Unfortunately, these symptoms can persist for a long time in most patients. And it’s true that there are no specific treatments that will work for everyone.

Furthermore, because it is an unusual form of pain, regular painkillers cannot help relieve the debilitating feeling.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to control symptoms. Many experts believe it is linked to stress and poor mental health. Therefore, specialists often recommend relaxation such as yoga and meditation to help reduce pain.

Doctors can prescribe a low-dose antidepressant that may help. Some patients also find that chewing gum, drinking cold drinks, or sucking on ice cubes provides temporary relief.

I want to get the shingles vaccine, but I have never had chickenpox. I heard it contains the chickenpox virus, so I’m worried it might make me sick. Is it safe for me to get it?

Top tip: don’t be coy with receptionists

I was concerned when I read that millions of people regularly have to wait more than a month to see their GP – and it’s worrying that this is becoming the norm for many patients. The good news is that, although frustrating, it is usually safe to wait four weeks before seeing a doctor about a health problem. However, there are exceptions.

If a patient has to wait a month with a new lump in the breast or a change in bowel habits, this can be dangerous as both are sometimes signs of cancer. It is therefore important that you tell the GP assistant what complaints you have, so that they can decide whether you need to be seen quickly.

Have you had to wait longer than a month before going to the doctor with a serious health problem? Please write to me at the email address on the right and let me know.

Dr. Ellie answers: It is completely safe to get the shingles vaccine if you have not had chickenpox, but there is a good chance that you will at some point.

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella virus, which can live in the body for a long time and can be reactivated later in life, causing painful skin blisters (shingles).

The majority of people get chickenpox in childhood. Symptoms usually include a high temperature and a rash of red, itchy spots.

However, many people get chickenpox without realizing it, as the symptoms can often be very mild, with just one or two spots.

For the small percentage of people who have not had chickenpox, the shingles vaccine – called Shingrix – poses no threat.

The shot contains only a small part of the virus – called a protein – and not the whole virus. This protein is enough to help the immune system recognize the varicella virus and produce defensive antibodies to protect you. But you can’t get chickenpox from it.

This is why the NHS is encouraging anyone eligible for the shingles vaccine to sign up for it, even if they don’t think they have had chickenpox.

The vaccine is offered to people turning 65 and to people between 70 and 80 years old. Controversially, the NHS has decided not to offer the jab to people aged between 66 and 69.

If you are concerned that you have not had chickenpox, contact your GP.

I am 58 and have had ulcerative colitis for almost twenty years. For the past few years I have been on immunosuppressant medications, which kept the disease under control.

However, I am concerned about the long term effects as I read that there are many possible side effects. I haven’t seen my consultant since the pandemic, apart from phone calls. What should I do?

Dr. Ellie answers: Patients with a chronic condition such as ulcerative colitis can expect to be on medications for life. That is why it is important that they have good communication with doctors.

Ulcerative colitis is an intestinal disease in which the colon becomes inflamed and damaged. It is thought to be caused by an overactive immune system. Therefore, immune suppressive drugs are effective.

However, these drugs do have a number of side effects, not least that they can make patients more susceptible to infections. Research shows that some of these drugs may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, especially skin cancer.

Understandably, these potential complications can be concerning for patients. But it’s important to remember that the risk of these occurring is relatively low. The benefits of taking the medications usually outweigh the disadvantages.

Occasionally, people may have periods of remission, where the disease is under control, so it is possible to come off the medication temporarily. However, it can be difficult to predict when these remission episodes will occur, and they can often be disappointingly short periods.

It is up to your specialist, and not your GP, to decide when you can temporarily stop taking immunosuppressants.

You must be able to request a personal consultation with the specialized team.

Orgasms are good for you… doctor’s orders

A British-made sex toy has received approval as a medical treatment: It’s called MysteryVibe Legato and is designed to stimulate blood flow to the labia and help combat vaginal dryness after menopause.

There’s also a high-profile ad campaign promising prescription orgasms.

I don’t agree, but just as we GPs talk to men about erectile dysfunction, we are also here to give advice about women’s sexual health.

Emma Thompson stars in Good Luck To You, Leo Grande, as a middle-aged woman who has never had an orgasm

Problems reaching climax can be a side effect of medications – especially antidepressants – or related to menopause. And orgasms are good for us: they improve sleep, heart health, and relieve headaches and other pain.

Like Emma Thompson’s character in the movie Good Luck To You, Leo Grande, pictured above, have you never had one?

And does that bother you? Do you think having orgasms in middle age and beyond is important or not? Please write and let me know. You can remain anonymous.

Do you have a question for Dr. Ellie Cannon? Email DrEllie@mailonsunday.co.uk

Dr. Cannon cannot enter into personal correspondence and her responses must be placed in a general context.

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