Dr Chris Brown reveals excruciating moment he was bit by a tiger on live TV

Dr. Chris Brown reveals excruciating moment he was bitten by a tiger on live TV: ‘His tusk went through the palm of my hand’

Dr. Chris Brown has revealed live on US TV the excruciating moment he was bitten by a tiger.

The celebrity vet, 44, appeared on Triple M’s Mick and MG and said the horrific incident happened several years ago when he brought his Bondi Vet show to the United States.

“I was doing a US tour and went to Entertainment Tonight and the producers called me and said they had an animal for me. I show up and it’s a tiger,” he told the hosts.

“It was an adult tiger on a leash and he had just been weaned. They told me to give him his bottle if I had any problems. But then he started to get restless.

“I remembered a trick I learned. When animals are used to their bottle you can put your finger in their mouth and they will suck it.

Dr. Chris Brown (pictured) has revealed live on US TV the excruciating moment he was bitten by a tiger

The TV presenter then told the presenters that he realized too late that putting his hand in the mouth of a wild animal was not a good idea.

“I did that and the tiger sucked on my finger, but then realized no milk came out. So he vented his frustration by chewing on my hand. His big fang went through the palm of my hand and I can feel blood,” he added.

Chris added that no one knew anything was wrong except him and at the end of the segment he accidentally waved his bloodied hand out at the animal hunters.

The celebrity vet, 44, appeared on Triple M’s Mick and MG and said the horrific incident happened several years ago when he took his Bondi Vet show in the States

“My whole right hand was covered in blood and no one noticed.”

In April, social media users were whipped into a frenzy after images surfaced of celebrity veterinarian Dr. Chris Brown performing dental surgery on an injured crocodile.

The video was shared to Reddit and shows Chris visiting the Billabong Sanctuary in QLD to remove three ingrown teeth that caused the reptile pain.

“I was doing a US tour and went to Entertainment Tonight and the producers called me and said they had an animal for me. I arrive and it’s a tiger,’ Chris told the hosts

The footage is from a 2021 episode of Bondi Vet and Chris tells viewers the matter requires “serious crocodile tooth excavation” to rectify.

His team then straps Riley the crocodile into a safety harness and Chris gets to work removing the painful tooth fragments from the reptile’s mouth.

Fortunately, Chris’s hard work makes the surgery a success and the team returns a now pain-free Riley to the water.

Chris added that no one knew anything was wrong except him and at the end of the segment he accidentally waved his bloodied hand out at the animal hunters.

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