Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene saying he belongs in prison and should be tried for mass murder after dramatic appearance in Congress

Dr. Anthony Fauci, 83, attacked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) for her heated questioning of him during a hearing in the House of Representatives on Monday.

The Republican lawmaker told Fauci he belongs in jail for his guidance of the president during the COVID-19 pandemic — and accused him of contributing to a “mass murder.”

Speaking about his testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci said MTG’s comments against him are leading to death threats.

“The purpose of the hearings is to figure out how we can do better so that the next time, if and when we face a pandemic, we can be better prepared and benefit from it,” Fauci told CNN on Monday after had appeared in Capitol. Hill. “If mistakes were made, we can identify them and try to correct them going forward.”

“That’s not what we saw today.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci tore up Rep.’s questioning Marjorie Taylor Greene addressed him during a hearing in the House of Representatives on Monday – accusing the Georgia lawmaker of increasing death threats against him.

Fauci retired at the end of 2022.

He said it has become a “pattern” for him to receive death threats after becoming the name behind the White House team fighting the coronavirus.

“Every time someone stands up, whether it’s the news media — Fox News does it a lot — or it’s someone in Congress who stands up and makes a public statement that I’m responsible for the deaths of X number of people because of policy or something like that. This crazy idea that I created the virus, and the death threats immediately – it’s like clockwork – keep increasing,” Fauci explained.

Fauci detailed some of the death threats in his testimony — and drew even more criticism for saying he had “made up” some of the rules around COVID-19, such as social distancing. He also admitted that there was no science to prove that masking children in schools helped stop the spread of the virus.

While Rep. Greene agreed that death threats are unacceptable, she reiterated her anger at Fauci in a post Tuesday morning.

“No one should get death threats and I get them ALL the time,” Greene wrote on X. “But fortunately for Mr. Fauci, he has Secret Service protection at taxpayer expense. I do NOT do that, I have to pay for my own safety and I am a gun owner.’

“It’s not my comments that make people angry at Mr. Fauci, it’s the FACT that his ridiculous, non-scientific, tyrannical policies have DESTROYED people’s lives and that he is a narcissistic asshole and liar, and that’s why SO MANY hate people him,” she argued.

“Under Mr. Fauci’s leadership, viruses have been turned into deadly bioweapons and animals are being murdered and abused, while he and his minions get RICH off the patents they create, while collecting government-funded paychecks and running powerful government agencies that issue medical guidelines and dictate regulations.”

She concluded, “Mr. Fauci belongs in jail for crimes against humanity!!!”

Fauci blamed MTG for the death threats, claiming her “unusual actions” at the hearing are contributing to the messages he is receiving.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) holds up a photo of Dr. Fauci with his mask pulled under his chin at a baseball game during the pandemic during her questioning of the doctor during a hearing in the House of Representatives on Monday

Greene denounced death threats – even against Fauci – but insists he deserved jail time for ‘crimes against humanity’

“When you have performances like that unusual performance by Marjorie Taylor Greene at today’s hearing,” Fauci told CNN. “Those are the kinds of things that fuel the death threats because there is a segment of the population that believes that kind of nonsense.”

During Monday’s hearing, Greene told Fauci that he “should be prosecuted… for crimes against humanity.”

The Georgia Republican said Fauci used “abhorrent, evil science” to create guidelines for COVID-19 restrictions before showing the doctor a photo of him without a mask during the pandemic at a baseball game.

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