Doomsday starvation cultist arrested over the death of 336 followers in Kenya dies in custody

A Doomsday hunger strike cult arrested for its alleged role in the deaths of 336 followers in Kenya has died in custody after going on hunger strike.

Joseph Juma Buyuka, who was arrested along with 29 other suspects over the cult, went on a hunger strike earlier this month to protest his detention.

Bukuka was transported to a nearby hospital in the town of Malindi, southeastern Kenya, before his death. Two others have been admitted in critical condition.

“We suspect that the deceased died of complications from a hunger strike. We can only wait for an autopsy to determine the cause of death,” a senior prosecutor told a Mombasa court. BBC.

Buyuka was arrested along with self-proclaimed Good News International Church pastor Paul Mackenzie, suspected of involvement in the mass deaths.

Joseph Juma Buyuka, who was arrested along with 29 other suspects for Kenya’s Doomsday cult, went on a hunger strike earlier this month to protest his detention. Pictured: Hunger cult leader Paul Mackenzie (left)

“Police believe that these individuals … played a significant role in the crimes that led to the deaths and the illegal disposal of bodies in Shakahola (forest),” court documents said of Buyuka and four others who, along with him have been arrested.

Authorities have dug up the most bodies in the forest in southeastern Kenya since April 13, when the grim discovery was first made.

So far, 336 bodies have been found. 600 people are still missing.

Jami Yamina, senior prosecutor, said Buyuka had died two days ago at a hospital in Malindi, about 115 kilometers from the port city of Mombasa, where he had been taken from a nearby prison.

“He died… (due to)… complications from hunger strike and starvation, but we are awaiting the autopsy report,” Yamina told a court in Mombasa. “Two other suspects… have also fallen ill. The police think it’s related to their hunger strike.’

Mackenzie is accused of ordering his followers to starve their children and themselves to death so that they can reach heaven before the end of the world.

The taxi driver turned preacher turned himself in to police in April and was denied bail last month. He is charged with ‘terrorism’ in the case that has rocked the East African country.

The other suspects were later arrested after authorities began excavations.

He and the others are not yet required to enter a plea.

The court will decide next Tuesday whether Mackenzie should remain in police custody for another 60 days.

Home Secretary Kithure Kindiki had expressed concern in May that some of Mackenzie’s rescued followers were being refused food.

One of them had died, he said at the time.

Authorities have dug up the most bodies (pictured) in the forest in southeastern Kenya since April 13, when the grim discovery was first made. So far, 336 bodies have been found. 600 people are still missing

Kenyan homicide detectives and Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) forensic experts examine exhumed bodies from several shallow mass graves, April 23

The Kenyan country fears the true number of deaths could be much higher than 336.

The search continues for mass graves in the Shakahola Forest, where the first victims – some dead, others alive but weakened and emaciated – were first found.

Since then, the series of grim discoveries has unearthed a macabre scandal dubbed the “Shakahola Forest Massacre.”

The surveys have expanded from the original 325 hectares to nearly 15,000 hectares. More than 600 people have been reported missing by relatives.

Police believe most of the bodies exhumed were those of followers of the Good News International Church, an evangelical sect founded in 2003 by Mackenzie, which advocated fasting until death to “meet Jesus.”

While starvation appears to be the leading cause of death, some of the victims – including children – were strangled, beaten or suffocated, according to chief government pathologist Johansen Oduor.

Questions have been raised about how Mackenzie, a father of seven, managed to evade law enforcement despite a history of extremism and previous lawsuits.

The gruesome saga has left Kenyans dumbfounded and prompted President William Ruto to set up a commission of inquiry into the deaths and a task force to review rules governing religious bodies.

Another minister charged with ties to Mackenzie and to the bodies found in the woods was released on bail in a court hearing.

Ezekiel Odero, a high-profile and wealthy televangelist, is being investigated on a range of charges including murder, assisted suicide, kidnapping, radicalization, crimes against humanity, child abuse, fraud and money laundering.

Police believe most of the bodies found in a forest near the Indian Ocean town of Malindi belong to followers of Paul Nthenge Mackenzie

At least 35 people suspected of involvement have been arrested in all, according to police who say 95 of the church’s followers have been found alive since operations began.

Earlier in June, 65 were taken before a court in the city of Mombasa for ‘attempted suicide’ because they refused to eat or drink. Prosecutors asked for detention so they could be examined and forced to eat.

The death cult case has reignited debate over the regulation of religious worship in this predominantly Christian country, which has 4,000 “churches” according to official figures.

Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki has announced that authorities will turn the Shakahola Forest into a “place of remembrance…so that Kenyans and the world will not forget what happened.”

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