Don’t know which anime to watch? Leave a comment and get a recommendation!

That’s why we have this regular open thread dedicated to helping you, our lovely readers, find the perfect watch. Looking for a limited series that tells a standalone story with questions that will stay with you forever? We’ve got you. Looking for the next deep cut to watch so you can dig into whatever seasonal favorite you’ve been binge-watching? We’ve got you too.

From 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM EDT, I’ll be answering your questions and taking requests for what to watch in the comments below. This is also a great place to share what you’ve been watching, if you’d like to talk about it with your fellow Polygon colleagues! Participation is welcome, even without questions.

A little bit about me, your curator for this round: I’m Toussaint Egan, a curator-editor here at Polygon. I love anime, not only for its diversity of genres, but also for its idiosyncrasies as a cultural permutation on the medium of animation. Some of my all-time favorites include Akira, Kino’s journey, Magnetic rose, Ghost in the Shell: Stand-alone complexAnd The Big Oand some of my most recent favorite anime are Dorohedoro (which I recently rewatched – I love it), Stay away from Eizouken!And Junkhead. I also looked Spin a Gundam lately — it’s been great!

I’m a firm believer that there’s anime out there for every type of viewer — even if there’s only one. Whether that anime is available to buy, rent, or stream online or as a physical copy is a whole other story, but still — there’s a wealth of beautifully crafted stories that the medium has to offer. There’s no one “right” way to be an anime fan, so whether you’re new to anime or a seasoned simulcast viewer, you’re welcome here.

Now it’s time to turn it over to you. What would you like to watch this weekend (or what do you plan to watch)? Leave a request in the comments and I’ll respond to it between 3:30 and 5:30 PM EDT. Details help — let me know what you’re looking for, what your tastes as a viewer are, and any other relevant information you’d like to share (like what streaming services you have access to, or what it was about a show you’d like to emulate, if you so desire).

See you in the comments at 3:30pm EDT! In the meantime, send your requests out.