Donald Trump says as president he will resume federal executions, go after cop killers, child rapists

Donald Trump says on his first day in office he will end the Justice Department’s moratorium on executions and use the full force of the law to go after major drug dealers and cop killers.

The Trump campaign sees crime in general and Kamala Harris’ record as California district attorney in particular as areas where it could harm its presidential campaign.

In an exclusive interview with, Trump provided more details about his crime-fighting agenda, starting with a question about whether he would reverse the Biden-Harris administration’s freeze on federal executions.

“Of course I would. I would execute major drug dealers,” he said when asked if it would be a priority on Day One.

‘I would think, for example, of raping a child, murdering a police officer.

Donald Trump spoke to at his Mar-a-Lago home on Wednesday, discussing his campaign, policies and coming to terms with life after being shot by a would-be assassin

“I would like to execute people who violently murder other people.”

In 2019, the death penalty was reinstated under the Trump administration, with 13 federal inmates sentenced to death and executed before Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland announced in July 2021 that the death penalty would be halted.

The death penalty has been introduced in 27 states, although executions have been suspended in seven states.

Trump has raised the issue of tougher penalties for various crimes during his campaign to portray himself as a law and order candidate.

Last week he was at the Mexican border, highlighting the damage done by drug cartels and smugglers and speaking to grieving mothers.

“People are coming to this country. I left some of them last week, as you saw, at the border, where their daughters were killed, their sons were killed,” he said.

“Their sons were murdered by criminals and migrants who entered our country. They were brutally murdered and thrown into garbage bins.”

Trump said “of course I would” when asked if he would end the Biden-Harris administration’s moratorium on federal executions. The last executions took place in 2021 when he was in office

Trump was at the Arizona border with Mexico last week, where he met with grieving mothers of children killed by illegal immigrants as he outlined his plans for crime and security

Drug dealers responsible for hundreds of deaths should also receive the ultimate punishment, he said.

“The average drug dealer kills 500 people in that person’s lifetime. I wouldn’t have a problem with that. If you want to stop the drug epidemic, you have to have the death penalty,” he added.

Trump has used rallies and speeches to attack his election opponent, who rose from the San Francisco district attorney’s office to California attorney general, as someone who is soft on crime.

Last week at the Michigan sheriff’s office, he called her a police “defunder” and a pro-crime “Marxist prosecutor.”

“We are here today to discuss how we can stop the wave of crime in Kamala, which is on a scale greater than ever before,” he said last Tuesday.

“She is, as you know, the most radical leftist ever to be considered for high office.”

Trump has attacked Kamala for being soft on crime and wanting to defund the police. In return, her campaign has pointed out that he has been convicted of 34 felony charges

Harris’ campaign has shrugged off his attacks, portraying the campaign as a former prosecutor against a “34-time convicted felon,” referring to the New York hush-money case in which Trump was found guilty on all counts.

And it accused him of lying “about crime, which skyrocketed during his time in office, about the police, which he tried to defund, and about the January 6 rioters who attacked police officers working at his behest to defend our Capitol.

“Donald Trump can’t bring us together, so he’s trying to tear us apart. The American people will reject his failed leadership and divisive agenda this November.”

Since Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, her poll numbers and fundraising numbers have risen sharply.

But Trump said he had received a series of significant endorsements and felt his campaign was growing stronger.

During the interview, in the gilded living room of Mar-a-Lago, the club’s most lavish reception area, he also criticized Harris for waiting so long to give an interview and expressed dismay over Florida’s strict abortion laws.

This is a tricky issue for Trump, as he wanted to keep his evangelical supporters on board without alienating female voters.

He has tried to appease all sides by saying abortion is a matter for states to decide. But he will hold a referendum in Florida, where he lives, on whether to expand abortion access from the recently enacted six-week limit. He said he has made up his mind on the issue.

“Well, I know, but I want more than six weeks,” he said. “I want more than six weeks.

“I think six weeks is a mistake. And I will express that soon, but I want more than six weeks.

“And in Florida we have a six-week program. I think you vote on that, and I think it should be longer than six weeks.”

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