Donald Trump hurls shocking fat-shaming insults at US senator over the size of his belly… after he was accused of repeatedly branding Kamala a ‘b***h’ in private

Donald Trump made a flurry of comments about Montana Sen. Jon Tester’s weight at his rally on Friday night, just hours after he was accused of repeatedly calling Kamala Harris a “b****.”

The former president, 78, criticized the Montana senator’s largesse as the Democrat faces a tough re-election battle in November in a race that could determine who takes control of the upper chamber of Congress.

“I don’t speak negatively about anyone’s disability,” Trump said, possibly referring to the fact that Tester lost three fingers on one hand in a meat grinder accident when he was 9.

“But he has the biggest belly I’ve ever seen,” Trump added.

Donald Trump drew a large crowd to Bozeman, Montana, on Friday night, where he focused his speech on the state’s upcoming Senate elections

Trump lashes out at Democratic Senator Jon Tester, who he says has 'the biggest belly I've ever seen'

Trump lashes out at Democratic Senator Jon Tester, who he says has ‘the biggest belly I’ve ever seen’

Trump’s activities have been in the spotlight in recent days as the campaign seems to be slowing down. Still, the former president drew a large crowd to his event in Bozeman, Montana on Friday.

Insiders told the New York Times that he finds the transformation after Biden’s departure confusing.

In response to the change of rivals, he reportedly called Harris a “b****” behind closed doors, two sources told the newspaper.

His campaign team denied the language in a statement, but his rapid attacks would have left him vulnerable to manipulation.

Trump's attack on Tester's weight was echoed by Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, who called the Montana senator a

Trump’s attack on Tester’s weight was echoed by Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, who called the Montana senator a “hippo”

As Trump attacked Tester, he mobilized his supporters by criticizing the senator on issues ranging from the southern border to his voting record.

“For years, Tester has told Montana he’s a moderate,” he said. “When he votes with Biden, Harris, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.”

Trump’s dig at Tester’s “biggest belly” isn’t the first time he’s attacked the Montana Democrat’s weight. He reportedly said Tester “looks pregnant” during a private fundraiser in May, according to Politics.

He told those present, ‘Have you ever seen this man? He doesn’t look like a fat man, except that his belly is out.’

That May fundraiser was in support of Texas Congressman — and former White House physician — Ronny Jackson, who also spoke at the Montana rally on Friday night.

In his speech in Bozeman, Jackson echoed Trump’s attack on Tester’s weight, calling him a “hippopotamus.”

Trump joked that he

Trump joked that he “doesn’t speak ill of anyone’s physical disability,” possibly noting that Tester lost three fingers on one hand in a meat grinder accident when he was nine

“This man is a filthy, disgusting swamp politician,” Jackson said. “The end of Jon Tester’s career begins tonight.

“We’re going to get (Tester’s election opponent) Tim Sheehy into the Senate to replace this swamp hippo Jon Tester.

Trump’s focus on Tester’s weight comes after many have noted the former president has lost weight in recent years, with some speculating that he is joining a growing number of celebrities in using Ozempic.

Tester is seen as one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the Senate this election cycle, and as one of the key incumbents in a state that Trump won by a wide margin in the 2020 presidential race.

With the Senate majority now 50-50 and only Vice President Kamala Harris calling the shots, the close Senate elections in November are in the spotlight.

Because Montana is typically a Republican-leaning state, Tester’s campaign has tried to draw a clear line between himself and the Biden-Harris administration.

A Tester campaign ad released earlier this year claimed he “worked with Republicans who fought to close the border, crack down on fentanyl traffickers and hire hundreds of new Border Patrol agents.”

“And he fought to ensure that President Biden did not allow migrants to remain in America instead of Mexico.”

Trump campaigned for Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy, who Tester described as

Trump campaigned for Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy, who Tester described as “a rubber stamp on the Biden-Harris agenda every time it matters”

Tester, who has held his Montana Senate seat since 2007, has sought to distance himself from the Biden-Harris administration as he faces a tough re-election battle

Tester, who has held his Montana Senate seat since 2007, has sought to distance himself from the Biden-Harris administration as he faces a tough re-election battle

In contrast, Sheehy attempted to lump Tester in with the liberal wing of the Democratic Party in his remarks on Friday, labeling him as “a rubber stamp on the Biden-Harris agenda every time it matters.”

“Jon Tester couldn’t muster the courage to say, ‘I’m going to vote against these horrible policies that are bad for the people of Montana,’” said Sheehy, a former military man and businessman.

According to a Decision Desk HQ poll cited by The hillSheehy holds a narrow lead over Tester heading into the election, with 49 percent to 45 percent.