Dolly Parton’s singer sister Stella angers woke mob

Dolly Parton’s sister, Stella, has been accused of racism after a series of anti-wake tweets, including one insisting that “not all white people are evil.”

The 73-year-old country singer had gained a following in recent years for her criticism of Trump’s Republicans and their views on national issues, leading some Americans to think she was one of them.

But in recent weeks, Stella has attacked illegal immigrants, critical racial theory and the notion that police departments are inherently racist.

He later claimed that his account was hacked and insisted that he still believes in equal justice and respects freedoms.

Still, he said, his views are not dictated by politics but by ‘human rights’, asking on Twitter: ‘What good is a race if you stay silent on crucial issues affecting our ‘free society’ ?’

Stella Parton, Dolly’s younger sister, has been labeled a racist in a series of recent tweets

The two country music stars Dolly and Stella Parton in 2015.

The two country music stars Dolly and Stella Parton in 2015.

Stella began angering the aroused crowd with a tweet on February 23, which appears to challenge the idea that police departments are inherently racist.

‘I once had a next door neighbor/white male who stole the mail from my box and forged the checks I had used to pay my monthly bills. The police did nothing. How racist is that? she asked.

“It’s human rights,” Stella insisted. ‘We all have rights and when someone violates your human rights, it is a crime against you.’

Then he added: ‘It was three white policemen who attacked my human rights in my house. Does that make me a racist?’

And in another Twitter thread that day, he criticized reverse discrimination, saying, “There’s a lot of reverse discrimination in this country, too.

‘It’s too much to have spent almost 74 years. on this planet and see how ignorant and opportunistic we have become again,” Stella wrote.

He noted that “other countries are just as racist and crime ridden, but they all point to America, but all humans are flawed, no matter their make or model.”

And he urged his followers to “stop picking cherries and acting so self-righteous.”

The singer-songwriter then asked, “When was the last time black people included or stood up for indigenous/Native American people in this country?

“It’s all a me, me, me mentality in America,” he said. Not all whites are evil and I resent that accusation from my perspective. Many of us believe in equality for all.

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In recent weeks, Stella has criticized illegal immigrants, critical racial theory, and the notion that police departments are inherently racist.

In recent weeks, Stella has criticized illegal immigrants, critical racial theory, and the notion that police departments are inherently racist.

In other tweets, he referred to current events, such as the police killing of Tire Nichols in his home state of Tennessee.

‘Memphis, Tennessee had five black police officers in a (task) group who beat and murdered an innocent young black man for no reason. They lied and said that he was driving recklessly.

“The total number of officers fired was seven, all black,” Stella said. ‘Was this a race crime or a loose evil m [sic]?

“Black comedians stand up and joke about the use of the N-word, but white people can’t use it,” he continued in his tirade. ‘How’s that for making things better?

‘Some white people are trying to make things better, but how about a little help?’ she asked. You have a platform, use it for good.

On February 24, Stella also criticized critical race theory and questioned the move to take down Confederate statues.

“Let’s talk about critical race theory being taught in schools,” he began. ‘I think it should definitely be taught, if it includes Native Americans, Chinese Americans, and Hispanic Americans, many [who] We were here before our ancestors set foot on American soil.

He then asked: ‘How does it work if we erase current history by tearing down the monuments that were heroes to some, when we should be doing the opposite and erecting more monuments to each and every heroic figure in our inclusive history?

Or is it an insult to me to point this out? After all, I’m white, so that invalidates my point, is that it?

He also lashed out at illegal immigrants who drove without insurance and said whites feel like victims.

“Drugs, greed, ego and more hate at every level of our society is the problem,” Stella said, “but let’s blame it all on the white people, because it has to be someone’s fault.”

“No one else will dare to look at himself,” he said. “Everyone is guilty of prejudice, bigotry, misogyny, racism, ageism, elitism.

“It’s so painful to take responsibility for our own actions when it’s so much easier to blame someone else for our actions,” Stella continued. ‘Deviate and deflect some more!’

‘We are all guilty of evil no matter how pure we think we are.’

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The woke mob soon condemned Stella as a racist for her tweets, with one saying she has a 'white savior complex'

The woke mob soon condemned Stella as a racist for her tweets, with one saying she has a ‘white savior complex’

The soon woke mob condemned Stella as a racist for her tweets. with a person telling him that ‘reverse racism doesn’t exist’.

“Berating black Americans for not doing enough to support the people white Americans committed genocide against is an obscene act,” Suzi Jackson wrote. ‘So disappointed and unfollowed.’

Another Twitter user also said that she started following Stella Parton because she “believed she was an ally to EVERYONE.”

“However, her recent spate of hateful and racist tweets has been such a disappointment and so uncharacteristic of her. I honestly hoped she got hacked. When I realized it WAS her, I couldn’t unfollow her fast enough” .

And a third said: ‘Stella Parton needs to get back in her hole and be quiet. She has a white savior complex and I’m over it.

Stella Parton and Dolly Parton attend Stella Parton's Red Tent Women's Conference 2014

Stella Parton and Dolly Parton attend Stella Parton’s Red Tent Women’s Conference 2014

She doubled down on her recent tweets on Thursday, saying it's a 'free society'

She doubled down on her recent tweets on Thursday, saying it’s a ‘free society’

Stella later claimed that her account had been hacked multiple times over the past month, but she never said which tweets, other than those offering relationship advice, weren’t really hers.

In a statement to the daily beastThe country music star said her social media followers know she is a strong supporter of equality, Black Lives Matter, women’s rights, reproductive rights, religious freedoms and children.

“All humanity has the right to equal justice, respect for freedom,” he said. I’ve always felt that way, even before growing up in the 1960s. My mother taught us that all humanity was equal in the eyes of the Creator.’

He went on to explain that his views were not dictated by politics, but by ‘human rights’, posting on Twitter on Thursday night: ‘What good is a race if you stay silent on crucial issues affecting our ‘free society’? freedom and justice for all” just a big lie?

‘Does that only mean white men? Because it sure seems that way to me,” she wrote.

“The bottom line is: none of us will have a career to return to if we don’t start talking about some of the terrible things that are happening in our country. We will be huddled with our loved ones trying to survive the missiles or bullets flying over our heads.”