Dogs really relieve stress! Spending quality time with a dog increases the power of brain waves associated with relaxation, research shows

  • Participants performed activities with a dog while their brains were monitored
  • Interaction with the dog increases relaxation, concentration and creativity

They are known for their loyalty, camaraderie and ability to make us laugh.

And research shows that spending quality time with man’s best friend also reduces stress and anxiety.

Researchers have found that interacting with dogs generates electrical activity in the part of the brain associated with relaxation, concentration, creativity and attention.

The team from Konkuk University in South Korea recruited 30 adult participants for their study.

They were asked to perform eight different activities with a well-trained four-year-old poodle, including playing with a hand toy, giving her treats and taking pictures with her.

They are known for their loyalty, camaraderie and ability to make us laugh. And it turns out that spending quality time with man’s best friend also reduces stress and anxiety, a study shows (stock image)

Analysis revealed that the power of alpha brain waves increased when participants played and walked the dog, reflecting a state of relaxation.

Meanwhile, grooming or gently massaging the poodle caused an increase in beta brain waves – a boost typically associated with increased concentration.

Those who took part in the study also reported feeling significantly less tired, depressed and stressed after all dog-related activities.

The team said that while ‘affection’ for the animal may have played a role in triggering these feelings, the findings add to evidence that dog therapy – often used in hospitals, schools and prisons – can help reduce anxiety and stress.

The authors wrote in the journal Plos One: ‘This study has shown that specific dog activities can activate greater relaxation, emotional stability, attention, concentration and creativity by facilitating increased brain activity.’

The team from Konkuk University in South Korea recruited 30 adult participants for their study.  They were asked to perform eight different activities with a well-trained four-year-old poodle, including playing with a hand toy, giving her treats and taking pictures with her

The team from Konkuk University in South Korea recruited 30 adult participants for their study. They were asked to perform eight different activities with a well-trained four-year-old poodle, including playing with a hand toy, giving her treats and taking pictures with her

Commenting on the study, Dr Jacqueline Boyd, senior lecturer in animal sciences at Nottingham Trent University, said the findings were ‘unlikely to come as a surprise to dog handlers’.

She said: ‘Quantitatively measuring brain activity in humans during direct interactions of different types with dogs further contributes to our understanding of the human-dog relationship.’

Dr. Boyd added that recruitment of the study participants was aimed at those who already enjoy dog ​​interaction, so “suggestions that all interactions with all dogs will benefit all people should be viewed with caution.”

“The novelty of being involved in a study with a friendly dog ​​should also be highlighted as a potential limitation of the data,” she said.

‘However, the reporting of measured physiological responses during dog interactions suggests that there is some consistency in the biological basis of human-dog interactions that may be useful in therapeutic encounters.’


It’s easy to believe that dogs like what we like, but this isn’t always entirely true.

Here are ten things people should remember when trying to understand their pets, according to animal behaviorists Dr Melissa Starling and Dr Paul McGreevy from the University of Sydney.

1. Dogs don’t like to share

2. Not all dogs like to be cuddled or petted

3. A barking dog is not always an aggressive dog

4. Dogs do not like other dogs entering their territory/home

5. Dogs like to be active and don’t need as much relaxation time as humans

6. Not all dogs are overly friendly, some are shyer at first

7. A dog that seems friendly can quickly become aggressive

8. Dogs need open space and new areas to explore. Playing in the garden is not always enough

9. Sometimes a dog isn’t misbehaving, he simply doesn’t understand what to do or what you want

10. Subtle facial cues often prevent barking or snapping when a dog is unhappy