Dog owner leaving poop publicly shamed by Glenside Adelaide homeowner with sign

Resident fed up with finding neighbour’s dog poop on front yard creates unique way to publicly disgrace him

  • Dog owner written out for not picking up poop
  • The sign shows CCTV footage of the owner looking away

An upset homeowner has planted a homemade sign outside their house for the neighbor because he won’t pick up his dog’s poop.

The cardboard sign was accompanied by a CCTV image of the dog defecating on a wildlife strip in Glenside, southeast of Adelaide’s CBD, with the alleged owner looking in the opposite direction.

The sign was planted in the exact spot where the dog relieved itself and read, “You seem to enjoy leaving your doggy doo box on my lawn.”

“If it happens again, I’ll be happy to send them back,” it says.

Failure to pick up dog faeces in South Australia used to earn the owner a $55 fine, but was increased to $210 in 2019 as a further deterrent to owners.

Fed up, a homeowner in Glenside, Adelaide, has planted a sign to warn a neighbor about leaving dog poop in the nature strip at the front of a house (pictured)

The camera image on the sign shows a man without shoes walking the dog without a leash.

The man turns his back to the dog as it relieves itself, staring at the sky in the opposite direction.

An image of the sign was posted to Reddit with the caption, “First world problems in leafy Glenside.”

However, many other users were quick to jump on the post to point out just how big of a problem dog owners don’t pick up poop is.

“Sorry, but dog owners who leave their dog poop everywhere is the problem, first world or not… Pick up your dog,” one user wrote.

“Good thing they’re calling this – happens way too often in my neighborhood,” a second user wrote.

“Fetch after your dog. Dogs make wonderful pets, but unfortunately most dog owners don’t deserve them,” a third user wrote.

Another user was “inspired” by the board and “got ideas to manage this on my edge now too.”

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The sign is accompanied by an image of a surveillance system showing a man facing the opposite direction as a dog answers nature’s call (pictured)

The incident comes after other dog poop-related incidents were caught on security cameras.

In February, a dog owner from Sydney’s Sutherland Shire was similarly caught on CCTV leaving his dog’s poop on a neighbour’s front yard.

The man quickly looks around the street, looking for witnesses, before crouching down and seemingly pretending to pick up the dog poop from the lawn, without touching the pile.

Earlier that month, a resident of the Unison complex on Longland St, in the Brisbane suburb of Newstead, was warned over their habit of throwing dog faeces off the balcony.

A resident took to a Facebook page to warn the poop thrower that they are being hunted and that they are getting close.

“Whoever routinely throws dog faeces from their ‘Unison’ balcony onto the footpath below at 12 Longland Street, Newstead, your behavior is absolutely appalling,” he wrote.

“If I find out who you are, you can understandably expect similar treatment.”