Doctor warns why you should carefully clean inside your belly button – what you could find if you don’t may SHOCK you

An expert has revealed just how dirty the inside of your belly button can become if you don't clean it regularly and thoroughly – and the results are shocking.

Dr. Sermed Mezher is a British physician, who, according to his YouTube biography, is an “award-winning physician and published academic author in Britain, MBChB (Hons) MRes.” On a mission to make health simple with high-quality scientific content'.

He posted a message on his channel in a short video @DrSermedMezherhe asked viewers how conscientious they are when it comes to cleaning their own belly buttons.

And those who are a little lax when it comes to the area may be shocked to hear that some of the dirt and debris is accumulating in the small area.

In his video, he starts by showing a less-than-clean belly button before saying: Have you ever intentionally cleaned your belly button? If not, this could be you.

Doctor and content creator @DrSermedMezher (pictured) has created a shocking video showing what can happen if you don't clean your belly button properly

“You know, most of us just give a quick wipe with our finger in the shower and maybe pick up a little bit of lint.”

But he reveals: 'What lies deep beneath is tons of rubble.

“You see bits of clothing, hair, just random bits of skin stuck in there. And then they all get squeezed into this little hole.”

The doctor admits that it's “very satisfying to remove it,” but adds that “knowing it's in there is pretty grim.”

He continues: 'GGenerally speaking, they don't really cause many problems. But if you leave them for a while, they can start to smell quite bad.

“And they can also cause belly button irritation and sometimes even a minor infection in the area.”

'And suppose this is the case, then there may actually be some pus around the area there.

Dr. Mezher concludes by recommending that people deliberately start cleaning their belly buttons, adding that “you don't need medical tweezers” to do a thorough job either; a cotton swab can help.

In the shocking video, the doctor revealed that all kinds of dirt, debris, bits of clothing and hair get stuck in the small space if it is not cleaned properly (stock image)

In the shocking video, the doctor revealed that all kinds of dirt, debris, bits of clothing and hair get stuck in the small space if it is not cleaned properly (stock image)

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1704180746 833 Doctor warns why you should carefully clean inside your belly

1704180748 685 Doctor warns why you should carefully clean inside your belly

Overall, respondents seemed quite shocked by what they learned, but indicated they were not concerned as they thoroughly cleaned the area

Overall, respondents seemed quite shocked by what they learned, but indicated they were not concerned as they thoroughly cleaned the area

Fortunately, those who responded seemed as if they were keen to clean the area themselves, with one writing: 'I doubt there would be one in mine.'

Another revealed how disgusted the video had made them feel.

They wrote: 'I'm going to pass out. I'm afraid of belly buttons. This was a trigger.”

Another seemed relieved and simply wrote: 'Good thing I'm cleaning mine.'

And another respondent expressed shock and simply said, “wild.”