Doctor warns against three weightlifting exercises after they leave some of his patients DISABLED
A doctor has revealed the three training mistakes that can lead to muscle cramps and spinal cord injuries, potentially leaving gym-goers disabled for life.
A neurosurgeon who goes by Dr. on social media Z, took to TikTok to reveal the most serious weightlifting-related injuries he’s seen in patients.
The doctor also showed videos of fitness enthusiasts lifting too much and using incorrect form, requiring major surgery.
“Doing these exercises puts you at risk for a serious injury,” said Dr. Z in the video, which has been viewed almost 85,000 times.
Dr. Z, a neurosurgeon, shared the top three lifting injuries he has seen in patients using incorrect form during certain movements
Leg presses were one of the most dangerous movements, said Dr. Z. Overextending your legs can lead to tears
In the video, Dr. counted Z down from three, with one being the worst.
The third worst exercise he mentioned was performing a heavy leg press with your knees locked.
A leg press is performed using a machine that targets the quadriceps and hamstrings in the legs, as well as the glutes.
This is often done in combination with squats, which support muscles allowing you to squat more weight.
This involves lying on your back on a raised bench and pushing up a weighted plate with your feet.
Dr. Z warned that locking your knees can lead to a hyperextension injury in the knees, which happens when the knee is bent backwards beyond its usual limit. “This can seriously damage the tendons in the knee,” he said.
‘It’s important that you don’t lock your legs when you do a leg press. Otherwise major surgery may be required.’
Dr. Z pointed out leg presses and clean and jerks as dangerous movements
Preacher curls performed with a barbell were the most dangerous move, said Dr. Z. He showed a video of a man flexing both biceps
The second exercise was a clean pull. This is a combination of two weightlifting movements performed while holding a dumbbell.
During a clean, lift the barbell from the floor to under your chin. The shock occurs when you lift it directly above your head.
However, if you lift more weight than you can handle, you may become unstable and lose your balance. Being overweight can also lead to fainting.
“If the weight is too heavy, it can suddenly fall on the back of your neck, which can then lead to a spinal cord injury,” Dr. Z said.
Research shows that approximately two-thirds of people with a spinal cord injury experience some form of paralysis.
“If you’re going to do a clean and jerk, make sure you do it with proper form, and only within your capabilities.”
The most dangerous move Dr. Z mentioned was a preacher’s curl.
To perform a preacher curl, you sit down and hold a dumbbell in both hands.
From there, bend your elbow and lift the bar toward your chin.
Dr. However, Z warned that extending your arms too far could lead to serious injuries.
“If you extend your elbows to full range of motion with heavy dumbbells, you could very well tear your biceps tendons,” he said.
“It usually happens in one arm, but it can certainly happen in both arms at the same time.”
He then showed a video of a man performing the move while flexing both biceps.
“If it does happen, it could potentially require major reconstructive surgery,” he said.
TikTok users expressed their fears after seeing videos of gym-goers injuring themselves.
One user said: ‘These videos actually made me gasp.’
Another user wrote: ‘I was NOT ready for the leg videos at first.’
And someone named Justified_comment said, “No more preacher curls for me. I will pass (sic).”