Do you wash your makeup brushes? Grim images show the buildup of dirt, grime and grease on unwashed beauty tools

Dermatologists have long warned that it is essential to wash makeup tools to rid them of harmful bacteria, dirt and grease.

But a survey has now shown that this crucial step is skipped by one in six Britons.

The Beauty Pie survey of more than 1,000 people also found that 45 percent have never washed their foundation brush and more than half have never cleaned their beauty blender.

Stark footage captured by the beauty company, which zoomed in to enlarge the tools ten times, shows what happens when you forget to wash them.

53 percent of Brits admit they’ve never cleaned their beauty blender. The macro images show how stains get deep into the sponge

73 percent of people said they have never cleaned their Gua Sha. Slimy surface with accumulated residue and dirty fibers, which is likely the result of being used with various products, from serums to facial oils, and not cleaned afterwards

Photos of a foundation brush show inlaid bristles, collecting makeup residue and oil from years old.

This product buildup occurs after continuous use if not thoroughly sanitized, which can cause oil and dirt to build up on the brush and skin and cause infections and acne.

Dr. Joe Latimer, a microbiologist at the University of Salford, said: ‘Our skin is an ecosystem with a large number of bacteria, fungi and viruses living together, and most of the time our skin keeps the balance of these bacterial species in check.

“Our bacteria help keep our skin healthy and protect us from infection, but if the numbers get too high, we can get problems like acne, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis or wound infections.”

But it’s not just makeup applicators that are neglected. Britons also admit to leaving dirt and bacteria on skincare products such as washcloths, headbands and face sculptors.

53 percent of those surveyed said they’ve never cleaned their blusher brushes. Between the bristles you can see old makeup residue, tiny dust particles, dirt and oil

61 percent said they had never washed their skincare headbands. It is important that you regularly toss this type of skin care accessory into the washing machine, as the macro image shows how dirt has settled in the fabric and how hairs have collected in the elastic.

45 percent said they have never cleaned their foundation brushes. The image shows inlaid bristles with years of old make-up residue and oil – this is the result of constantly applying new products without cleaning the bristles regularly

Facial sculptors, such as Gua Sha, were the most neglected beauty tools.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents (73 percent) said they had never cleaned theirs.

A shocking 40 percent of people said they hadn’t washed their washcloths and half hadn’t cleaned their facial cleansing wipes.

Horrifying photos show how the structure of a flannel cloth perfectly captures dirt and fibers, which can be transferred to the skin with every wash.

Dr. Latimer said, “Every time we touch our skin with beauty tools like makeup brushes, washcloths or facial rollers, we transfer some of our bacteria to the tools.”

“Over time, bacteria, dead skin tissue, and old skincare and makeup products will build up on the tools, allowing bacteria to multiply.

“So when we reuse the tools, we’re putting many thousands of these microbes back onto our skin. To make matters worse, bacteria love heat and moisture.

“This means that if we keep our cloths and brushes in a moist environment, more bacteria will grow.”

Other beauty products, such as fake tanning gloves and skincare headbands, have also fallen victim to poor hygiene.

Of those surveyed, 73 percent admitted they’d never washed their tanning gloves and 61 percent said they don’t clean their skincare headbands.

Failure to clean these tools while routinely using beauty products can lead to rashes and stains, as soft materials are a trap for dirt and bacteria.

Dr. Latimer said: ‘To prevent bacteria from building up to potentially unhealthy levels, we need to remove their food, water and heat so they can’t grow.

“Cleaning skincare and makeup tools regularly and, crucially, storing them in a nice and dry place is the best way to do this.

This way you can restore the happy balance between you and your bacteria, without the risk of annoying spots or rashes.’

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