Do YOU ​​live in a big hotspot? Our interactive map shows areas where four in ten adults are obese… and as many as eight in ten people are overweight

England’s spiraling obesity crisis is today laid bare in a sobering interactive map showing which areas are most at risk to people’s health from excess fat.

Grim figures show four in 10 residents of Wigan, Great Yarmouth and Swale are now obese.

For comparison, According to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, only a tenth of people in Kensington and Chelsea fall into the same category.

Waistlines also rose across the country, with average overweight and obesity rates at their highest since records began.

Almost eight in ten adults are now considered fat in County Durham and the Wirral.

The The data also covers the period when Britain entered a crisis cost of living The crisis, which experts have long warned about, increases the risk of malnutrition due to high food and energy prices.

On average, more than a quarter (26.2 percent) of adults nationwide are obese. This is classified as a BMI over 30.

Just under two-thirds (64 percent) are overweight or obese – a BMI over 25.

According to the analysts, South Tyneside (38.8 per cent) had the highest obesity rate, after Wigan, Grear Yarmouth and Swale (39.1 per cent).

It was followed by Stoke-on-Trent (38.7 percent) and Cannock Chase (38.4 percent).


bOdy Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height.

Standard formula:

  • BMI = (weight in pounds / (height in inches x height in inches)) x 703

Metric formula:

  • BMI = (weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters))


  • Under 18.5: Underweight
  • 18.5 – 24.9: Healthy
  • 25 – 29.9: Overweight
  • 30 – 39.9: Obese
  • 40+: Morbid obesity

Meanwhile, just 13.2 percent of adults in Kensington and Chelsea and 13.9 percent in Haringey were classified as obese

Outside London, rates on the Isles of Scilly were just 14 percent.

But similarly high figures were again seen in the north of England when the combined rates of overweight and obesity were taken into account.

The data, based on Sport England’s ‘Active Lives Adult Survey’, showed more than three-quarters of adults in County Durham (77.7 per cent) met the threshold.

The Wirral (76.3 per cent), Cannock Chase (76 per cent) and Gosport (74.6 per cent) round out the authorities where people are largest.

By comparison, Kensington and Chelsea (45.8 percent), Tower Hamlets (45.9 percent) and Westminster (47.9 percent) recorded the lowest figures.

Eight of the ten smallest authorities were in London.

This also includes Haringey (48.5 percent), Wandsworth (49.5 percent), Islington (50.1 percent), Kingston upon Thames (52.7 percent) and Harrow (52.8 percent).

The OHID noted that obesity rates were highest among the most disadvantaged groups in society.

The average woman needs about 2,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight, while for men it is 2,500.

Weight gain occurs when a person consumes more calories than they burn over time.

It is well known that obesity increases the risk of serious health problems that can damage the heart, such as high blood pressure, and cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK, being overweight is estimated to cause one in 20 cases of cancer in the UK.

Britain’s obesity crisis is also estimated to cost the country almost £100 billion a year.

According to forecasts from Cancer Research UK, more than 42 million adults in Britain will be overweight or obese by 2040.

This colossal figure includes both the health damage to the NHS and secondary economic impacts such as lost income as people take time off work due to illness and premature deaths.

Experts have attributed the country’s ever-expanding waistline to the simultaneous rise of processed, high-calorie foods and sedentary, desk-bound lifestyles.

No10 has previously committed to helping Brits become thinner, but has since moved away from what they have seen as ‘nanny-state’ style initiatives.

In 2020, ex-prime minister Boris Johnson announced an ‘world-leading’ obesity action plan, inspired in part by how his own weight put him at greater risk of serious illness when he contracted Covid.

However, he later shunned radical proposals from Mr Dimbleby, who was asked by the Conservatives to make recommendations to improve the country’s diet and combat the promotion of foods high in fat, sugar and salt.

The co-founder of restaurant chain Leon called for salt and sugar taxes, but his pleas sparked outrage after it was calculated they could add £60 to each person’s annual food bill.

Survivor Proposals— a ban on buy one, get one free deals on unhealthy snacks And junk food adverts before 9pm – have subsequently been postponed by Mr Sunak.

Originally planned to be rolled out this year, both policies have since been pushed back to 2025, with the Prime Minister respectively citing a reluctance to put pressure on household bills and wanting to give the industry more time to prepare for the change.

Eton-educated Mr Dimbleby resigned last year, citing a lack of willingness within the government for necessary changes to tackle obesity.