Do YOU have ‘gamer head’? Twitch user finds indent on his cranium from wearing headphones for hours


A Twitch gamer who shaved his head for charity during a livestream was shocked when he did discovered a notch in his head where his headphones are.

Streamer Curtoss was horrified after running the buzzer over his skull, revealing a headband-shaped dent caused by wearing his pair for too long.

Many other gamers have since come forward to share their ‘gamer heads’ in solidarity – with one man revealing it appeared after wearing headphones for 14 hours.

However, the notch is part of experts’ prediction of the appearance of avid gamers in 20 years, including bloodshot eyes and blisters on hands.

Streamer Curtoss shaved his head during a live stream. The event was to raise money for cancer

In the clip, Curtoss said, “Dude, the shaver works like a champ.

“I’m looking at a dash here; this is where my headphones go. I have great headphones in my head. What the f**k.

“I thought that was just my hair; I thought only my hair did that.’

However, the indentation does not make a real dent in the head – birth injuries and some types of bone tumors usually cause it.

The gamer’s head resembles marks left on the face after people take off their glasses.

Dedicated players can apply pressure or massage the area when they see a dent.

Another solution is a hot shower which should help the skin return to normal.

Curtoss’ video was viewed more than 42 million times on Twitter with thousands of comments, many suggesting the streaming switch to earbuds.

One user commented, “New fear unlocked, Brb controls my head.”

He noticed an indentation on the top of his head as he buzzed through his hair.  The dent is from wearing headphones for hours on end

He noticed an indentation on the top of his head as he buzzed through his hair. The dent is from wearing headphones for hours on end

The notch is part of experts' prediction of the appearance of avid gamers 20 years from now, including bloodshot eyes and blisters on hands.

The notch is part of experts’ prediction of the appearance of avid gamers 20 years from now, including bloodshot eyes and blisters on hands.

Many other gamers have since come forward to share their

And they were all in shock after seeing the dent

Many other gamers have since come forward to share their “gamerheads” in solidarity

The notch on Curtoss’ head looks eerily similar to a design of what video gamers might look like in the future.

A grotesque model named ‘Michael’ shows how leaning consoles can affect avid gamers.

This cautionary view was created by researchers based on globally collected reports on the physical consequences of gamers’ lifestyles.

“Everyone meets Michael, a visual representation of the future gamer,” said a spokesperson for, the Canadian site that conducted the survey.

The research, she added, “predicted what avid gamers could look like in the next 20 years if they didn’t change their lifestyle.”

“From sleep deprivation and dehydration to vitamin D deficiency, digital eye strain and ‘PlayStation thumb’ are just some of the physical consequences of spending hours online, in a gaming chair, away from sunlight and physical activity.”

The indentations don't really make a dent in the head - birth injuries and some types of bone tumors usually cause this

The indentations don’t really make a dent in the head – birth injuries and some types of bone tumors usually cause this

To design Michael, researchers studied reports from organizations such as the National Health Service, the World Health Organization, National Geographic and UK Interactive Entertainment about the potential effects of gamers’ lifestyles.

This included the physical impact on the human body – including muscles, skin, eyes and hair – staying indoors, sitting in a chair and spending an inordinate amount of time staring at a computer screen.

Using this information, the team worked with animators and artists to create Michael – a visual representation of a future gamer.

A poor diet and too much time out of the sun and under artificial lights have left him with pale and pasty skin due to insufficient vitamins D and B-12.

His back is now permanently arched from his bad playing posture and he has stress related eczema all over his legs and arms.

The full findings of the investigation have been published on the website.