Disney World visitors baffled by ‘glowing red’ UFO soaring over Florida park
Winter tourists at Disney World in Orlando, Florida caught a glimpse of a “glowing red” UFO shooting up into the night sky like an upside-down shooting star.
A park visitor was documenting the scene at Epcot when the crowd turned and started pointing at the lighted object in the sky.
The video was posted on social media, where users are certain it was an object ‘orb’-like unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) of extraterrestrial origin.
One user on They clearly want us to see it all now…’
While the bizarre sighting may have sparked fears of an alien encounter, others on social media were quick to point out that the glowing streak was likely a SpaceX rocket launched from Cape Canaveral.
The clip was shot on December 16 and a Falcon 9 rocket was fired that night at 7:52 PM ET.
After wowing Disney parkgoers with the spectacle, Falcon 9’s reusable first stage booster reportedly returned to Earth about 8.5 minutes after launch – and performed a landing on the ‘A Shortfall of Gravitas’ drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean.
Winter tourists at Disney World in Orlando caught a glimpse of a “glowing red” UFO shooting up into the night sky like an upside-down shooting star. “Look what’s in the air tonight about EPCOT!!” a park manager posted on social media, pointing in surprise at the apparent craft
Amateur investigators of Disney World’s glowing red UFO are baffled: “I have seen many shooting stars,” one observer wrote. “No one has ever made it red hot. It’s not a shooting star. It’s not fireworks
The Falcon 9 rocket was launched as part of mission RRT-1an effort that included transporting an advanced GPS satellite into orbit for the US military branch.
SpaceX is currently under contract to launch a total of three of these GPS-3 satellites, with the first launched almost a year earlier, in January 2023.
Below is the original TikTok video of the strange sight over Disney World’s EPCOT Center, posted by the user @DisneyDadssome locals were eager to share their familiarity with what a SpaceX launch looks like locally.
“That’s Space X,” former Disney theme park employee Brandon Harper posted on the video. “I live in Orlando, eight miles from Disney.”
But that hasn’t stopped others from proposing more exotic theories.
“Google US Navy Laser creates plasma ‘UFOs,’” one TikTok user advised.
“They’re using the plasma balls to create heat to attract heat-seeking missiles instead of hitting our drones. Our drones are testing.”
You’ll soon see other Disney fans – who looked away from the unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) – turning their heads to see the strange sight for themselves.
Another user just posted: ‘Santa Claus.’
The episode appears to be just one of several instances this month where a SpaceX launch was visible from the Magic Kingdom.
A park manager passing by Armand Luigi, Esq. on social site SpaceX’s mission to launch 21 Starlink satellites late that evening.
The apparent rocket flames are visible in the video, even through the red haze of the park’s nearby tiki torch flames.
“I was there and made this video at Epcot, Disney WORLD,” Luigi said in his post. “We looked it up as it was happening, and it was a SpaceX launch.”
However, many are still not convinced that the object has been concretely identified, with one observer claiming the video was a fake: “It’s called CGI,” he said.