Destiny 2: Season of the Wish’s final cutscene brings back a beloved character just in time for The Finale Shape

Destiny 2: The Final Form is less than a month away and Bungie has officially set the stage with its latest film.

(Warning: This post contains spoilers for the final mission of Lot 2: Season of the Wish, including a big cutscene leading up to The final shape extension.)

On Tuesday, Guardians jumped into a new mission that took them to the Black Garden, where the original’s finale took place Destination occurs. After completing the mission, players were presented with a new cutscene, featuring the return of Cayde-6, the beloved (and long-dead) Hunter Vanguard.

For a brief context: The Witness – Lot 2‘s biggest bad point – created a portal to The Traveler at the end of the film Light campaign last year, and it’s been hanging around there ever since. Guards haven’t been able to get in because the portal kills anything that comes near it.

However, months ago, the Vanguard decided to allow The Crow to wish his way to The Traveler. The idea here is that because Crow (formerly Prince Uldren) and his sister Queen Mara have such a strong bond, Mara could warp reality to help players enter the portal.

And that’s where the Lot 2 The story stalled for months, thanks to Bungie’s delay The final shape from February to June.

Tuesday’s cutscene finally pushes the story forward again, as we see Crow tumble out of the portal and into The Traveler itself. Apart from the gigantic monolith of death looming in the background – the fortress of The Witness – The Traveler looks picturesque. But Crow barely has time to take in the sights before he is shot at.

Experienced players will likely recognize the silhouette of Crow’s attacker almost immediately: Cayde-6, the wisecracking Hunter Vanguard in which Prince Uldren was executed. To leave. (This was before Guardians then killed Uldren and he was resurrected into a Guardian called The Crow without his old memories… that is until the Hive God Savathun Crow gave Uldren’s memories in Season of the Lost – a lot happened in the last six years of telling Destiny stories, okay?)

The video is chock full of fanservice, but the real money is when we see the reverse of Cayde’s infamous execution, with the former Hunter Vanguard standing over Crow and aiming at him. Of course, Cayde has no idea that this is no longer Uldren, and that his killer has been reborn as a Guardian. As he is about to pull the trigger, Glint, Crow’s Ghost, reveals himself, causing Cayde-6 to lower his hand cannon.

Cayde helps Crow up and the two share an awkward moment before they both focus on the real task: The Witness.

This movie honestly rules and is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for The final shape on June 4. Last year’s expansion Light, disappointed many Guardians – including myself – in the story department, so to see something like this lead into what Bungie promises will be the finale of the last 10 years of Destiny is pretty exciting. All that’s left now is to cross the portal ourselves and recapture The Traveler from The Witness.