Despite trailing in the polls, Haley says she won’t drop out of the White House race | World News – Business standard

“Some of you – maybe some of you in the media – have come here today to see if I’m dropping out of the race. Well, I’m not. Far from it,” said Haley | File image

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has vowed to stay in the race regardless of the outcome of Saturday’s primaries in South Carolina, where she trails former US President Donald Trump badly.

At a campaign rally in Greensville City, the former South Carolina governor reiterated that she is “not going anywhere” and will continue her bid “until the last person votes,” following speculation that Haley could soon drop out of the race.

“Some of you – maybe some of you in the media – have come here today to see if I’m dropping out of the race. Well, that’s not true. Far from it,” Haley said.

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, faces tough polling in her home state — on top of three straight losses to Trump. He and Haley have been locked in a head-to-head battle for the Republican nomination since Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended his campaign in January.

“That’s why I refuse to stop. South Carolina will vote Saturday. But on Sunday I will still run for president. I’m not going anywhere,” she said. “I campaign every day, until the last person votes, because I believe in a better America and a better future for our children.”

The former UN ambassador who served under Trump continued to sharpen her criticism of her former boss, calling him a “disaster” and judging him to be “more unstable and unhinged” than during his first turn in the White House.

Haley’s bid was made possible by sizable donations from deep-pocketed donors. And a few Indian Americans appear on Haley’s donor list.

Technology entrepreneur and investor Jiten Agarwal, one of Nikki Haley’s top donors, has reaffirmed confidence in the former UN ambassador’s campaign and said she will not withdraw “without a fight.”

Speaking to ANI, Agarwal said, “Whether she can secure the nomination against Trump remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Nikki Haley will not back down without a fight. She will be in the running until the Republican National Convention. in July this year, where the presidential candidate of the Republican Party (GOP) will be chosen.”

Agarawal hosted a fundraiser in Houston this week for Nikki Haley’s presidential bid. Haley also held a rally in Dallas and a meet and greet in San Antonio, in addition to fundraisers in Texas.

The entrepreneur further said that Haley’s message of “unity” and “strong leadership” in an atmosphere of “divisiveness and partisanship” in the country has struck a chord with the people of Texas.

“In a political landscape marked by division and partisanship in today’s America, Haley’s message of unity, not chaos and strong leadership has struck a chord with Texans. Texas Republicans are always looking for a good conservative,” he told ANI.

He added: “A large percentage of the party that is not as vocal as they probably should be is looking for someone who is a leader who doesn’t create chaos for the next generation, who has a vision for America, who putting the country first instead of their own personal interests. who can serve eight years. Haley is the right choice.”

The Indian entrepreneur said the campaign is working to get Indian American voters to come out in large numbers to vote, both in the primaries and general elections. He cited some reports stating that Indian Hindu Americans in Texas have low voter turnout and poor participation in the electoral process.

Meanwhile, polls show Haley consistently trailing Trump by a significant margin in South Carolina. According to the latest CBS/YouGov survey, Trump leads Haley among likely voters in South Carolina’s upcoming Republican primary by 65 percent to 30 percent.

The polling average from Hill’s Decision Desk HQ shows Trump with a huge lead over Haley by 31 points.

These results are similar to previous Monmouth University-Washington Post polls, which also showed Trump receiving majority support.

(Only the headline and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)

First print: February 21, 2024 | 7:35 am IST