Desperate Biden hits back at NY Times after it told him to drop out of race – as Democratic donors float ‘intervention’ led by Obama to get president to see sense after debate

A desperate Joe Biden has hit back at the New York Times after it ordered him to withdraw from the presidential race following his disastrous debate.

The Times previously endorsed two Democratic presidential candidates in 2020 instead of Biden: Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.

A senior adviser to the president told CNN, “The last time Joe Biden lost the approval of the New York Times editorial board, it turned out pretty well for him.” Biden would win his party’s nomination and defeat Trump in November 2020.

But on Friday, the editorial board wrote that Biden “is not the man he was four years ago” and criticized his motivations for running, saying it was a “reckless gamble.”

Meanwhile, the aftermath of the debate has fueled the idea among Democratic donors to have Obama intervene. In this way, he wants to bring the sitting president to repentance, after he was widely mocked for his actions against Trump.

Joe Biden has hit back at the New York Times after it told him to withdraw from the presidential race following his disastrous debate

In a blunt editorial, the New York Times criticized him as a

In a blunt editorial, the New York Times labeled him a “shadow” of his former self, while admitting that the once “admirable” politician “struggled to reach the end of a sentence.”

Meanwhile, the fallout from the debate has seen Democratic donors abandon the idea of ​​an Obama-led

Meanwhile, the fallout from the debate has seen Democratic donors abandon the idea of ​​an “intervention” led by Obama (pictured together in January) to bring the sitting president to terms after he was widely mocked for his actions against Trump.

It was widely believed that Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump had won the debate convincingly

It was widely believed that Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump had won the debate convincingly

There have been discussions with political advisers about arcane rules that would allow Biden to be removed from the ticket against his will and replaced at or before the Democratic National Convention, according to a person familiar with the effort.

But former US President Barack Obama defended Biden in a message on Twitter on Friday.

“There are bad debate nights,” he wrote. “But this election is still a choice between someone who has spent his life fighting for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself.”

In an article titled “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race,” the New York Times criticized Biden’s continued efforts to run as a “reckless gamble” with the country’s future.

They said the country needed “a stronger adversary” to stand in the way of the “significant danger to… democracy” – a threat characterized by the Republican leader.

In a scathing blow, the paper’s editorial board said: “There is no reason for the party to risk the country’s stability and security by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s shortcomings and those of Mr. Biden. It is too big of a gamble to simply hope that Americans will overlook or ignore Mr. Biden’s age and weakness as they see with their own eyes.”

They continued: “The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal honestly with the American public: recognize that Mr. Biden cannot continue his race, and create a process to select someone better positioned to remain in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November.”

Insiders described the 81-year-old's debate as a

Insiders described the 81-year-old’s debate performances as a “train wreck” and a “dustbin fire” and some openly suggested he should step aside for another candidate.

At one point, Biden lost his train of thought and stared blankly into space as Donald Trump responded,

At one point, Biden lost his train of thought and stared blankly into space as Donald Trump responded, “I really don’t know what he just said.”

“It is the best chance we have to protect the soul of the nation — the cause that drove Mr. Biden to run for president in 2019 — from Mr. Trump’s malign distortion. And it is the best service Mr. Biden can provide to a country he has served so nobly for so long.”

The brazen indictment comes despite a defiant Biden insisting last night that he could still win the election – as he refused to pull the plug on his bid for a second term.

While the New York Times has become the first US newspaper to call for Biden to drop out of the race, other influential publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and the Atlantic, have published articles from their leading columnists calling on Biden to to step aside. .

Meanwhile, a group of Silicon Valley megadonors, including Ron Conway and Laurene Powell Jobs, were calling, texting and emailing each other about a situation they described as a potential catastrophe. CNN.

The donors wondered who within the Biden group they could contact to reach Jill Biden, the first lady, who is believed to be able to convince her husband not to run.

A Silicon Valley donor who planned to host an intimate fundraising meeting with Biden this summer has reportedly decided to cancel the meeting because of the debate.

Meanwhile, another major donor from California left a debate night early and sent an email to a friend with the subject line: “Totally disaster.”

The crisis in the donor class couldn’t come at a worse time for Biden, as his opponent Trump has outraised him in each of the past two months, erasing the president’s once-yawning financial advantage and opening up an advantage of his own.

The donor concerns come after Biden rambled through the 90-minute CNN spectacle, struggled to finish his sentences and lost his train of thought several times in front of tens of millions of stunned TV viewers.