Democrat Chicago treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin is accused of forcing taxpayer-funded staff to plan her daughter’s BIRTHDAY and act as her personal bodyguard

The Treasurer of the Democrat Chicago, who has set her sights on Congress, is accused of forcing taxpayer-funded staff to plan her daughter’s birthday and act as her personal bodyguard.

The city’s treasurer, Melissa Conyears-Ervin, who was elected in May 2019, was charged with running a corrupt office and illegally firing two employees who raised concerns about her alleged wrongdoings.

In a December 2020 letter, which was only just unsealed and published by the Chicago Tribunethe official is accused of ‘disturbing behaviour’ and using ‘pervasive practices’ to her own advantage.

Conyears-Ervin is said to have threatened the staff, telling them, “It wouldn’t matter if her plans are illegal, since the only way they could lose their jobs is if she fires them.”

City treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin, who took office in May 2019, was charged with running a corrupt office and illegally firing two employees who raised concerns about her alleged illegal wrongdoings

The Democrat Chicago treasurer was accused of forcing taxpayer-funded staff to plan her daughter’s birthday (pictured in 2020) and act as her personal bodyguard

The ordeal that gave rise to the allegations was the firing of two of her top aides under the alleged guise of an “office shake-up” in November 2020.

Tiffany Harper and Ashley Evans claimed their firings “violated Illinois whistleblowing law, federal laws, and a city ordinance.”

Before they were fired, the letter claimed that Conyears-Ervin had told the women that if they refused to carry out her plans, they were “as good as they get” and that they would “walk out of here.”

Conyears-Ervin believed “this is (her) damn office and (her) vision,” the blistering 2020 letter claimed.

They sent the letter to the city’s Ethics Board, demanding reinstatement. They eventually got a $100,000 settlement to share in 2021.

The scathing letter, written by their attorney Michael Kanovitz, alleged that Conyears-Ervin only fired his clients in retaliation.

Conyears-Ervin also decided to hire an ex-Chicago police officer as her private guard and driver – which was also a bone of contention for the former staffers. Conyears-Ervin allegedly threatened the staff, telling them, “She wouldn’t care if her plans are illegal, as the only way they can lose their jobs is if she fires them.”

It read: “The retaliation is evident, as is the corruption in the treasurer’s office. The inference of retaliation is inescapable.”

One of the misconducts Conyears-Ervin is accused of is hiring Gina Zuccaro.

Zuccaro, her political ally, was hired as an administrative assistant.

She hosted her daughter’s birthday party and did grocery shopping at taxpayer expense, the letter said.

The letter states, “The treasurer uses her for personal services, such as running errands, planning her daughter’s birthday party, running errands, and the like.

The treasurer also used city resources to support Ms. Zuccaro’s candidacy for the seat of the Illinois House of Representatives by allowing her to campaign during city time.

“This misuse of hiring to obtain personal services and favor its allies is a pervasive problem, extending far beyond these two employees to countless other employees and contractors.”

One of the misconducts Conyears-Ervin (left) is accused of is hiring Gina Zuccaro (right). Zuccaro, her political ally, was hired as an administrative assistant. She hosted her daughter’s birthday party and did grocery shopping at taxpayer expense, the letter said

The letter was only just unsealed after the Chicago Tribute fought to make it public

The letter continued, “Treasurer Conyears-Ervin exhibited a pattern of troubling behavior against the public trust, many of which violated the ethics rules of the City of Chicago, as well as state and federal laws.

“Her consistent and widespread practice is the misuse of city money, city employees and city resources to further her private interests as well as those of her friends and campaign supporters.”

Conyears-Ervin also decided to hire an ex-Chicago police officer as her private guard and driver – which was also a bone of contention for the former staffers.

Conyears-Ervin allegedly threatened the staff, telling them, “She wouldn’t care if her plans are illegal, as the only way they can lose their jobs is if she fires them.”

The letter continued, “After losing a public battle with the mayor over this issue, the treasurer hired an ex-CPD officer to fill the vacancy of assistant to the city treasurer, a job that requires financial training and experience that the candidate completely absent.

‘This employee does not provide any services to the office and does not even come to the office.

“Instead, he acts as an armed private guard for the treasurer and is her driver.”

In addition, the treasurer was accused of using city money and resources to “advance the agenda of various churches and other religious organizations, many of which support her and her husband.”

Conyears-Ervin declined to comment on the specific allegations in the letter, but said in a statement to the Tribune last week: “While I am not permitted to discuss the details of this settlement, I will make a general statement if I believe that these matters seriously.

“I have never, and never will, misuse or misuse taxpayers’ money and violate the trust of the public. I treat my responsibility towards citizens and taxpayers with the utmost respect.”

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